The Thermal Valley, Beitou, Taiwan


gm Hivers.

Just recently, I visited Taiwan, One of the highlights of my trip was a day trip to the enchanting town of Beitou, just a short distance from Taipei, Beitou is a treasure for both culture and nature so yes, 2 birds 1 stone!

Our day in Beitou started with an exploration of the local market, where we indulged in some gucc gucc local cuisine with their Taiwanese fav dish, Luroufan! There's nothing quite like the taste of authentic Taiwanese dishes to kickstart a day of long walk and hike up to hotsprings! :D Visit my last post for one of the best of the best Luroufan my Taiwanese friend recommended: @waybeyondpadthai/best-ruyoufan

One of the highlights of our Beitou visit was, undoubtedly, the Thermal Valley. For those of you who might not be familiar, the Thermal Valley in Beitou is a natural hot spring area known for its ethereal beauty and steaming waters. What makes this place so special, you ask? Well, it's the sheer size of the hot spring and the incredibly high temperatures of the water.

My stepmom was absolutely thrilled by this experience. Back in Thailand, we're accustomed to either less hot but larger hot springs or very hot but smaller ones. The Thermal Valley offered something completely new for my fam.

This post is more about sharing a slice of Beitou's beauty and charm. it's more about the visual experience, as the hot springs here aren't meant for bathing. Even just for the visual, I think it is absolutely worth it like once.. maybe not more :D

Stay tuned for more of my Taiwan adventures. Plenty more to come!


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