Un viaje inesperado - Parte 4 [Esp-Eng]


Hola, buenas noches amigos de Hive y LikeTu!. Como la estan pasando?. Yo aqui listo para contar la ultima parte de este viaje inesperado con un rico mate y unas medialunas. Asi que, que les parece si arrancamos?. VAMOS!!!

La tarde caia en esta parte de la costa de Entre Rios. Aun quedaba mucho tiempo antes de emprender nuestro viaje hacia el centro de la ciudad, por eso aprovechamos y realizamos diferentes campeonatos ya sea con cartas, metegol, etc.

La hora se acercaba, ahora si debiamos decidir como viajar ya que la idea era ir juntos los 3 vehiculos, pero como ibamos a volver muy tarde y seguramente ibamos a tomar algo de alcohol, mejor prevenir que curar, o mejor prevenir que lamentar. Se decidio que uno de nosotros iba a manejar y esperarnos para que todos volvieramos sanos y salvos. Por este motivo viajamos todos en la combi de mi amigo Santiago.

Una vez que llegamos al corsodromo no podiamos creer lo grande que era y lo hermoso de sus comparsas. Ahi comprendimos porque era tan famosoo este carnaval y porque era conocido como "El carnaval del pais". Fueron 5 horas de puro goce y disfrute. Un viaje que estaba llegando a su fin pero que ninguno de nosotros podra olvidarlo jamas! 🤗

Gracias por llegar hasta aqui y leer mi historia. Les deseo un excelente fin de semana y pronto volvere con mas historias.

Hello, good evening friends of Hive and LikeTu!. How are they doing? Here I am ready to tell the last part of this unexpected trip with a delicious mate and some croissants. So, what do you think if we start? COME ON!!!

The afternoon was falling in this part of the Entre Rios coast. There was still a lot of time before embarking on our trip to the city center, so we took advantage and held different championships, whether with cards, foosball, etc.

The time was approaching, now we had to decide how to travel since the idea was to go together in the 3 vehicles, but since we were going to return very late and we were probably going to drink some alcohol, better safe than sorry, or better safe than sorry. It was decided that one of us would drive and wait for us all to return safely. For this reason we all travel in my friend Santiago's van.

Once we arrived at the corsodromo we couldn't believe how big it was and how beautiful its troupes were. There we understood why this carnival was so famous and why it was known as "The Carnival of the Country." They were 5 hours of pure enjoyment and enjoyment. A trip that was coming to an end but none of us could ever forget it! 🤗

Thank you for coming here and reading my story. I wish you a great weekend and I'll be back soon with more stories.

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