Primer dia en Guale [Esp-Eng]

Buen sábado para todos!
Continuando con este viaje que realice junto a mis amigos y compañeros de trabajo, pasamos al dia siguiente de nuestra llegada.
Por suerte como habiamos planeado bien todo, Natalia nos llevo en mi auto ya que era la unica que no toma alcohol. Por lo tanto el resto de nosotros estabamos a salvo. 😉

Good saturday to everybody!
Continuing with this trip that I made with my friends and co-workers, we spent the day after our arrival.
Luckily, since we had planned everything well, Natalia took us in my car since she was the only one who doesn't drink alcohol. Therefore the rest of us were safe. 😉

Al otro dia visitamos un hermoso sitio de relax. Era como un spa, campo, piletas, lagos, un lugar muy bonito muy cerca del centro de la ciudad de Gualeguaychu.

The next day we visited a beautiful place to relax. It was like a spa, countryside, pools, lakes, a very nice place very close to the center of the city of Gualeguaychu.

El día estaba muy caluroso asi que nos quedamos un rato largo hasta la hora del almuerzo bajo la sombra de un árbol. Alli mis amigos decian que tenia mucha flexibilidad por la posicion que ven en esta imagen 😂.

The day was very hot so we stayed for a long time until lunch time under the shade of a tree. There my friends said that I had a lot of flexibility because of the position they see in this image 😂.

Habia mucha gente en el agua, pero para nosotros era muy temprano aun. Mejor almorzar algo rico y luego si meternos a la pileta.

There were a lot of people in the water, but for us it was still very early. Better to have something delicious to have lunch and then go into the pool.

Ya que estabamos con mucho tiempo, con Ramiro y German decidimos dar una vuelta por el parque y nos metimos en un bosque. La verdad que no pensabamos que habia eso alli y caminamos muchos kilometros hasta llegar a su limite que era un arroyo.

Since we had a lot of time, Ramiro and German and I decided to take a walk through the park and entered a forest. The truth is that we didn't think there was that there and we walked many kilometers until we reached its limit, which was a river.

Cuando volvimos a la tarde-noche, creo que hubo alguien que tomo algo de mas 🤭. Por lo visto la bebido hizo efecto en el y le dio sueño. Tanto sueño que se quedo dormido con el control remoto del televisor en la mano.

When we returned in the evening, I think there was someone who had a little too much 🤭. Apparently the drink had an effect on him and made him sleepy. So sleepy that he fell asleep with the TV remote control in his hand.

Aprovechamos y le dimos el besito de las buenas noches. Ahora si, a descansar que mañana nos vamos al rio a una playa de verdad! 🤗

We took advantage and gave him a good night kiss. Now, let's rest, tomorrow we're going to the river to a real beach! 🤗

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