Post Reunion de Trabajo [Esp-Eng]


Buenas noches amigos!!!
Espero que esten muy bien y no con tanto calor como yo 🥵.
En esta oportunidad estaba junto a la mayoria del grupo con el que trabaje en los diferentes ministerios de argentina. Mi trabajo era en Control de Accesos y rotabamos por los edificios de Economia, Industria, Puertos y Vias Navegables, Correo Argentino, Agricultura y un largo etc.

Por eso eramos muy numerosos, mas de 200 personas. Esa mañana nos reunimos todos en el auditorio del Ministerio de Industria para informarnos que ibamos a pasar a ser planta transitoria. Un gran logro para nosotros en ese momento que eramos contratados monotributistas. Al finalizar dicha reunion, estabamos tan contentos con la noticia que decidimos ir a festejarlo en la costanera sur de Buenos Aires. Alli perparamos una rica comida y bebida para celebrar dicho triunfo ya que nos comenzaron a reconocer como trabajadores formales. 😃

Good night friends!!!
I hope they are very well and not as hot as me 🥵.
On this occasion I was with the majority of the group with which I worked in the different ministries of Argentina. My job was in Access Control and we rotated through the buildings of Economy, Industry, Ports and Navigable Waterways, Argentine Post Office, Agriculture and a long etc.

That's why we were very numerous, more than 200 people. That morning we all met in the auditorium of the Ministry of Industry to inform each other that we were going to become a temporary plant. A great achievement for us at that time when we were hired as monotributistas. At the end of this meeting, we were so happy with the news that we decided to go celebrate on the southern waterfront of Buenos Aires. There we prepared a delicious meal and drink to celebrate this triumph since they began to recognize us as formal workers. 😃

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