Organizacion [Esp-Eng]


Era el primer dia luego de una seleccion de nuevos miembros para el area de Control de Accesos. Habian pasado unos meses desde que nos separamos del area principal que dependia del Ministerio de Economía y ahora dependiamos del Ministerio de Agricultura.
Habia gente nueva, su primer trabajo, algunos ya conocidos que fueron despojados de sus areas, les dimos la bienvenida a nuestra area. Era un dia de nervios, el primer dia.

Para mi fue muy dificil. Durante muchisimos años me hice cargo de la oficina. En su mayoria de veces lo hacia solo. De golpe tener que aprender a ser el jefe, lider de este grupo, es aprender a delegar. Darle la oportunidad a cada uno de ellos de desarrollarse y crecer.

Fueron muchos meses de estar detras de cada uno y darme cuenta en que eran buenos cada uno de ellos para ayudarlos y darles herramientas para que sean los mejores. Este trato hizo que a los pocos meses ya tuviera grandes empleados que eran excelente en lo suyo y mi area paso de ser un sitio para mandar gente que no les servia, a ser un area de desarrollo para que la gente migrara nuevamente a mejores puestos y oficinas. Eso me lleno de orgullo!. Ver cada año que pasaba, mas gente que trabajo conmigo y que ahora tenia un mejor puesto dentro del Ministerio. 🤗

It was the first day after a selection of new members for the Access Control area. A few months had passed since we separated from the main area that depended on the Ministry of Economy and now we depended on the Ministry of Agriculture.
There were new people, their first job, some already known who were stripped of their areas, we welcomed them to our area. It was a nervous day, the first day.

For me it was very difficult. For many years I was in charge of the office. Most of the time he did it alone. Suddenly having to learn to be the boss, leader of this group, is learning to delegate. Give each of them the opportunity to develop and grow.

There were many months of being behind each one and realizing how good each one of them was in helping them and giving them tools to be the best. This treatment meant that within a few months I already had great employees who were excellent at what they did and my area went from being a place to send people who were of no use to them, to being a development area so that people could migrate again to better positions and Offices. That fills me with pride! Seeing every year that passed, more people who worked with me and who now had a better position within the Ministry. 🤗

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