#Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: The Entrepreneur's Code - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Sunday, November 20, 2022


This post is my ongoing daily participation in @jongolson's fantastic Index4Index Initiative. Read his post, and get yourself involved!

The quote that I'm sharing in today's Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation is simple, succinct, and it expresses a perspective that could be called the
Entrepreneur's Code.

"Expect the best. 
 Prepare for the worst. 
 Capitalize on what comes." 
 - Zig Ziglar

I absolutely love the simplicity of that quote, married as it is with an exceedingly useful and pragmatic perspective!

Expect the best:
Confidently putting ourselves out into the world and taking steps in the direction of our dreams and goals.

Prepare for the worst:
Making ourselves practically ready for worst-case scenarios.

Capitalize on what comes:
Always being adaptable, versatile, improvisational, and pragmatic at the unfoldment of events, ready to make use of them quickly to our (and other's) benefit.

If entrepreneurs as a whole had a code or creed, this certainly sounds like what it would be! What's so great about this quote, and the view point that it expresses, is that it can be easily applied to any area of life! Oh the potency of of simplicity!

Remember, dear friends, that we are all in this together, that we rise by lifting others, and that together we thrive, so onward and upward, joyfully together! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨

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