#Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation: New Year's Simple, Small, Consistent Steps Can Change Everything! - GaiaYoga Gardens, Lower Puna, Far East Big Island, Hawai'i - Saturday, December 31, 2022


This post is my ongoing daily participation in @jongolson's fantastic Index4Index Initiative. Read his post, and get yourself involved!

It's Saturday, December 31, 2022, and with New Year knocking at our door, and so many people creating resolutions for the New Year, the focus of today's Index4Index Daily Inspired Motivation is about taking simple and small, consistent steps in the direction of our goals, dreams, and desires. So many try to make huge, sweeping changes in their lives going into each New Year, only to give up after usually a very short time. Big changes cannot usually be made successfully in big steps. This is because of the strong momentum of our habitual patterns that are already in play.

"Results can only change when we change our consistent actions and make them habits.
- Billy Cox

To make large changes in our lives, it is essential to start small, and to keep it simply. Choosing small, clearly-defined simple actions that we commit to doing consistently over time is how the process of moving our mountain of habitual behaviors happens. And once this one new small action is converted into a habit and integrated into the flow of our daily lives, then we can choose yet another small and simple action to change, and habituate that one as well in the same manner. And then on to the next one...and on and on. Doing this over time can have a momentous and clearly-visible positive and beneficial effect on our lives.

We don't have to wait for New Year to begin taking our simple, small, consistent steps, of course, and it's really better if we don't. We can begin right now and right here, for we have many changes to make, so the sooner we start the better!

Massive changes and shifts begin with such tiny, uncomplicated, ongoing disciplined choices! You can do it! You just have to decide, and what better time and place than NowHere?

Happy New Year y'all! May it be magical beyond your wildest dreams!

Remember, dear friends, that we are all in this together, that we rise by lifting others, and that together we thrive, so onward and upward, joyfully together! 😁🙏💚⚡💥🔥✴️✳️❇️👣🌱✨🤙

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