Rehearsing more than 10 songs for the next day.


This week they changed the meeting of our Vida Plena church, because on Sunday they are going to hold an event in the city and the streets are truncated, which makes access to many places difficult, and even transportation and to prevent people from not will be able to mobilize, it was decided to hold the meeting on Saturday.

But it was also decided to take advantage of a general fast that day, so the band director sent us the songs that we were going to play, wow, I was impressed, there were at least 13 songs , which means that it had to happen standing during the entire meeting

So I arrived at the rehearsal and I had to go do my dad a favor by installing a signal repeater in his house, since where he is the internet doesn't reach him well, it only reaches the gate of his house, we arrived early, I I set up the bass and started practicing while the singers arrived. They didn't take long, however I made the most of the time.

I thought the meeting was going to last until late, but the rehearsal flowed very well, we managed to rehearse well without the drummer, since he got a new job and good today because of the rush, but the rehearsals have to be balanced again so that we are all present, the good thing is that I finished early and called my brother to take me to my dad.

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