Paseo por el río Sena en París 🇫🇷 [Spa][Eng]



De las cosas que menos llegué a imaginar en algún momento es que en mi primera visita a esta ciudad haría un paseo con tan alto nivel.

Primero porque no suelo interesarme demasiado por planes lujosos, a menos que incluyan buena comida, y luego porque los recorridos corrientes de este estilo en ciudades que disponen de canales con ríos tan grandes suelen ser embarcaciones aglomeradas de turistas poco agradables.

Pero en este caso había un motivo de importante, una de las razones por las que decidí finalmente viajar a este destino es porque un amigo que allí reside se graduaba y planeamos reencontrarnos varios amigos y acompañarle en su día especial.

Las graduaciones en París tienen nivel, nada más y nada menos sobre un yate recorriendo durante la tarde el río Sena con bebidas y coctelería en todo momento y un buffet de alta cocina que no paraba de preparar elaboraciones.

Era un plan perfecto, que además incluía una fiesta después de las 23:00 h hasta el amanecer, es verdad que yo en lo particular decidí marcharme cuando no hubo más comida jajaja pues no soy de trasnochar en fiestas pero durante el rato que estuve presente el nivel de euforia era impresionante, muy interesante lo de ver a los europeos bailando reguetón.

La embarcación era bastante grande, contaba con un salón con mesas estilo restaurante y en la parte de cubierta estaba decorado estilo lounge bar para disfrutar de las vistas cómodamente.

El recorrido lo hacía lentamente yendo y viniendo una y otra vez por la parte del Sena que atraviesa la ciudad y ofreciéndonos distintas panorámicas de la impresionante Torre Eiffel de día, durante el atardecer y al anochecer cuando se despliega un espectáculo de luces cada hora durante unos cinco minutos.

Una experiencia muy bonita y gratificante, compartimos, comimos, bebimos y disfrutamos con unas vistas envidiables.


Yacht ride on the Seine River in Paris

One of the things I least imagined at some point was that on my first visit to this city I would go on a tour of such a high standard.
First of all, because I am not usually too interested in luxurious plans unless they include good food of course, and then because the usual tours of this style in cities that have such large rivers are usually crowded boats of tourists and are not very pleasant.

But in this case, there was an important issue, one of the reasons why I finally decided to travel to this destination is because a friend who lives there was graduating and we planned to meet several friends and join him on his special day.

Graduations in Paris have high standards, on a yacht cruising the Seine River during the afternoon with drinks and cocktails at all times and a buffet of haute cuisine that did not stop preparing elaborations.

It was a perfect plan, which also included a party after 23:00 h until dawn, it is true that I, in particular, decided to leave when there was no more food hahaha because I'm not a party girl but during the time I was present the level of euphoria was impressive, very interesting to see the Europeans dancing reggaeton.

The boat was quite big, it had a lounge with restaurant-style tables and the deck was decorated in a lounge bar style to enjoy the views comfortably.

The tour went slowly back and forth along the Seine River that runs through the city, offering us different views of the impressive Eiffel Tower during the day, during sunset and at night when a light show unfolds every hour for about five minutes.

A very nice and rewarding experience, we enjoyed ourselves together, ate, drank and were delighted with the enviable views.


Thanks for dropping by!

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Photo credits: Camera photos in this post were taken by me with my Iphone 11 and belong to me.
Versions of some of these images have been previously posted by me on Instagram.

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