Travel To Mount Bromo, National Park


This is my series of trips to Mount Bromo which took eighteen hours to our final destination, namely Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. This trip did not feel boring because from the trip we were able to enjoy the real beauty of nature. The participants in our group numbered a dozen people and now they have blended into one. Starting from starting the story of our respective trips to several corners of the country with the aim of being a long vacation, to the topic that most of the travelers are single.
“Finding a partner while traveling is a very big gift for a traveler,” said one of my wisest friends. But it's true what he said, because if we find a partner who has the same hobby of traveling, seeing the world together is the best happiness in a relationship.

The journey started from the bustle of the traders selling their wares, laughing, sharing, and caring accompanying our journey at that time so that we became closer to each other even though we were all friends in a hangout. The city of Malang is the door that became the door of the silent witness of our journey to Mount Bromo.

Exactly at 3 o'clock in the morning we had prepared ourselves, using double jackets, gloves, skullcaps, anything that could make us feel warm in the piercing cold air. Even so, our trip was the most enjoyable thing. We were a little late on our way, and it turned out that the sunrise fans were already very busy there, waiting for the sun to remain. They are everywhere, looking for a strategic position before enjoying the upcoming sunrise. And when the sunrise came, it was as if all eyes were on him, it was as if the noise had suddenly disappeared and everyone was silent while enjoying the magnificent view.

As unexpected, sometimes we really can't force the will of nature. It could be that it's meant to make you come back there (yeah, we enjoyed it a bit). Maybe next time we will travel again to fully get the sunrise just right. We continue our trip to Mount Bromo by visiting several locations that are still around Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Like a teletubies hill with a savanna, or a whispering sand dune towering, until the final destination is Bromo Crater. And enjoying the moment with the horses is great fun.

The purpose has been conveyed in this small journey, maybe at another time this journey will be repeated with a journey that will be more enjoyable than this. have fun and see you on the next trip.

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