Early spring, haze, and nomadic roaming


Yesterday was the first day in a while in which I just did not need to wrap up in numerous layers of clothing. I ran out into the world with just an oversized hoodie and my fingerless gloves, leaving behind the coat and the rest. It was a weird feeling to be able to do that again. Especially for the month of February in which it's the coldest month in England, typically. I remember the first few days of being in Armenia, the start of autumn, pretty much. That warmth still somewhat present from summer; it seems like seasons here come and go quite quickly. In a way, I quite like it. Especially for the opportunities it provides in photography. There's something very fun about running through very dynamic environments. And I really felt that yesterday as I roamed through different areas of Yerevan. Climbing up old roads that then overlook the city, following up the Cascade yet again, which felt so much harder under today's sun than it did a few weeks ago when the steps were iced over and it was snowing. To no suprise, the city feels more alive. A lot happier, more busy.

There was a certain haze in the distance, almost like that summer dust that gets kicked up and provides that atmosphere in the horizon, that feeling of heat that rises up. It was really fun to photograph it, and to roam the streets that felt more golden under the light, seeing the sunlight relfecting off the buildings, the older stone buildings seeming more orange than usual. Like the city had that stereotypical Hollywood colour grading slapped over it. I walked for the entire day, aside from a brief hour in which I had a photography shoot that I ended, prior to that having two beers as I waited for the arrival time that got a little delayed. I felt that spring and summer excitement, that relief in a way. That there was more peace to my being. The idea that everything is fine and could only get better.

I finally managed to actually configure my gimbal, too. Running around with that and shooting video of seemingly everything. To see it finally working as intended was a blast. I felt so inspired by my surroundings with it, ready to capture everything under that light, and prepared to do it again the next day, and again. Though, the only downside is that I now feel I need a new camera, something that can offer the potential of 120 framers per second on video, 4K resolution. Some better in-body stabilisation as well. I guess it's time to try to find more photography work here, and start saving up!

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