A little bit of fatigue, trying to find new places


I have mentioned the heat rising here in Armenia as of late. I love the heat, but I have definitely noticed that I am growing a bit tired. I can feel the heat a bit more now, and walking around like I usually do is something that definitely can't continue with the momentum I had before. Breaks are necessary, and the walks must decrease for my own safety and general health; I should eat more, drink more water, and generally avoid being under the hot sun for the entire day. With this, I have noticed that I have an interest in finding new areas with this tiredness I have. Wanting to explore places that seem different with more potential to photograph things rather than really having to look around familiar areas in search of compositions and unique subjects. I keep mentioning the Soviet side of this nation, and I long to begin a bit of urban exploration into such areas: factories, old shops, train stations, and general apartment buildings. There are so many of them, and my interest is so high. The curiosity of what remains within is felt, whether there's old historical items such as paperwork or items left behind. I loved to do urban exploration as a teenager, constantly going into the industrial and forgotten in rural England, though such areas soon died off with the implementation of the nation's rampant development schemes.

I love walking through places I feel I otherwise have no purpose to be there. The idea that I'm discovering something hidden and unknown, being the first person there in a long time. That feeling of adventure that is met with a little bit of danger. I'm not much of a thrillseeker, but this sort of thing speaks to me, the discovery of things, mixed with emotion and history. While I wish much of these locations were instead looked after, turned into museums or repurposed, to have a chance to walk through them and see the past is something very special. Even down to the first image, a location in which it semed like an old cafe or even toilets of some sort. Interesting use of tiles remained in the flooring that I couldn't help but photograph for their unique patterns. The decay present around with bits of debris hanging from the ceiling and smashed up bits of wall and sheets of metal sitting around. It's sad to see, but I walk through such places with an imagination that revives these places. I imagine the lives and scenarios taking place in them. I try to imagine the beauty of the interiors based on what remains, and how people felt once visiting these places. I think it puts life into perspective, to realise the constant changing of things, thatinevitable passing of time. Almost a reminder to enjoy the present.

I have thought about getting a small camera that I could easily take around such places with me, in attempt to document such places a bit more and share them with the world. Some sort of small video camera rather than the more heavy cameras I typically roam around with that are mostly for stills. I think it'd be really fun to be able tell stories on such places again, to show people the history around them and how often we take it for granted. The idea that maybe it could lead to some sort of attention to such places that leads to improved preservation of them, rather than the neglect and decay they see as a result. I think it's crazy how much rich history is typically present around us, yet we just overlook it all. It shows how rapid our changes are, and how nothing really seems appreciated anymore. Each thing is just made to replace something else with little regard for the importance the prior thing once had to many. The ideas it conveyed, and the reasons it did so.

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