Memories of my cherished old photos


First of all, I'd like to express my gratitude to @atyh for inviting me to take part in such activity Flashback Friday Challenge held in the @liketu community, allowing me to recall the old days through photos.
Since most of my old photos are stored in the photo album kept in Lishan, I have to find some of the only ones on my phone to share.

  • Like most graduates, we always took photos before leaving. The girl next to me is Echo, my roommate as well as my friend. We spent the whole four years together on campus, sharing happiness and sorrows. At present, she is in England for further education. We still keep in touch.
  • The 2nd one reminds me of the trip to Sanya. This is the first time that @mrpointp and I have traveled together, which left a deep impression on me.
  • Next, have you noticed @mrpointp's hairstyle? When we travelled to Xichang, he had his hair specially done locally. Seems like my little bro.
  • Fortunately, we got married in 2018 and our baby Sheya was born the next year. At that time, I was in the Confinement Center for postpartum recovery. I happened to take this picture of him attending to our loved daughter.
  • As long as we are available, we will accompany Sheya. This photo is the best proof.
  • Such experiences has taught me that life is full of moments of moving and beautiful. Hope all of us can cherish it.
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