Trying a change of look


A few days ago before I came to vote in Caracas, my sister did my nails and painted my hair. I had had my hair completely virgin for about 8 years. I don't know why I didn't want to dye it again. However, my sister gave me the dye as a present and I let myself apply it.

At first I don't know if I liked it, because it was very light at the base of my hair. As the days went by, I got used to looking lighter. In reality it is something I wanted to do and I hadn't dared to. My nails are painted in a mint green and my feet in a normal frenchie. I feel pretty and well-groomed. That's what's important, what makes me feel comfortable and at peace with this change of look. Now I still need to buy some clothes and dress better. That's coming.

And you guys, how are you feeling lately? Are you hesitating to make a change of look? Because I am hahaha

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Hace unos días antes de venir a votar en Caracas, mi hermana me arreglo las uñas y me pinto el cabello. Tenía aproximadamente 8 años con mi cabello completamente vírgen. Es que no se porque no quería volver a tinturarlo. Sin embargo, mi hermana me regaló el tinte y me lo deje aplicar.

Al principio pues no sé si me gustaba, porque agarro muy clarito en la base del cabello. Fueron pasando los días y ya me acostumbré a verme más clara. En realidad es algo que yo quería hacer y no me había atrevido. Tengo las uñas pintadas con un tono verde menta y los pies en una francesita normal. Me siento arreglada y bonita. Eso es lo importante, lo que me hace sentir cómoda y en paz con este cambio de look. Me falta ahora comprar ropa y vestirme mejor. Eso viene.

Y ustedes¿cómo se sienten últimamente? ¿Dudan en hacer un cambio de look? Porque yo si jajaja

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