Index4INDEX Card 213: Erica Jong 1

If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.

-- Erica Jong

For more about Erica Jong, keep reading....

About the Quote

Everything we do comes with risk: sailing across the ocean, flying in an airplane, riding a train, driving a car, crossing the street, even stepping into the bathtub. In the case of inclement weather, simply being outside is taking a risk.

However, the risk of anything happening in those situations is small-- present, but negligible.

If doing nothing is what is required, then risk is minimal to non-existent. However, if action is required yet the option of doing nothing is chosen, then risk of an adverse event is great.

Debt is similar in that way. If it's paid now, then only the amount of the debt is paid. If it's paid later (if at all), then not only what was owed but also anything else that was added such as interest, penalties, and fees must be paid. Either way, it won't be fun to pay down debt; this is why debt must be paid sooner rather than later.

Health is handled the same way as debt; ailment and illnesses are easier to trreat when they are near their beginnings than when they reach a late stage.

If action is required, yet nothing is done now, then something must be done later, and it may be too late then.

Some Information about Erica Jong

Erica Jong (née Erica Mann) was born in New York, New York, US on 1942-March-26.

Erica Jong is a novelist, poet, and satirist. She is also one of many leaders of what is known as second-wave feminism (1960s through 1980s).

Erica Mann attended The High School for Musica dn Art in the 1950s, where her main interests were art and writing (plus reading Russian novels and writing poetry). She completed her undergraduate studies at barnard College, where she majored in writing and literature. In 1965 shehad earned her Master's degree from Columbia University in 18th Century English Literature.

Thanks to her distinctive and energetic style, she also edited the literary magazine at Barnard College. At Columbia University, she created poetry programs for the campus radio station.

Using her demonstrated strengths as a writer, Erica Jong wanted to give women an powerful voice. In her post-education writings she portrayed female sensuality with a boldness which until then had never been seen on the written page. Her first novel, Fear of Flying (1973) described women's sexuality in ways unprecedented until then.

-- Source

Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2003 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.

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