My Best Moments of May || Photo Dump


The month of flowers, as May is known, is synonymous of many celebrations in my country Venezuela; Festivities such as Mother's Day, the Cross of May and the International Workers' Day are celebrated, so this month was very busy, as well as in educational institutions, where we also celebrated the Anniversary of the school where my children attend classes, and the high school where I work as well, so this time I share with you the best moments I lived with my family, friends and co-workers, who accompanied me in each of these fabulous activities.

In my son's school this academic lapse his teacher got very creative, and incorporated us representatives to make a tour with our children by different sites of the historic area of the city, so that children recreate the history in the voice of the tour guides, who gave us all the necessary information for them to be aware of the important events of the characters of yesterday, We visited the Convent of San Francisco of the XVI century, the "Badaracco Bermudez" square, a very important meeting place of that time, the house of the Poet Ramos Sucre, the Basilica of Santa Ines, the Ruins of the Castle Santa Maria de la Cabeza, the Bolivar square, ending the tour in the community of “San Francisco”; My son was also assigned to promote a tourist place in the city, so we moved to the beach “San Luis”, to do the activity with his teammates, and we also enjoyed the sea.

Mother's Day was also part of my activities for the month, since I attended the events held at the Institution, I enjoyed very much with my children, receiving their cards, poems and gifts that they gave me with love, as well as the musical and dance act that was presented in the central courtyard.

This month was gratifying in my work environment, since the teachers and students participating in the different student challenges that took place since April, were given an award by the school's management for their successful performance during the Language and Language Challenges, Science Challenge, and the Mathematics Challenge, being winners in several of its phases, representing our institution very well.

Closing this month with the anniversary week in my work and in my children's school, which included the celebration of the Cross of May, enjoying dances, songs, fruit offerings, Creole sweets made with mango and coconut, such as mango jellies, mango carato, coconut kisses, majarete, coconut rice, cookies and coconut preserves; also incorporating the happy birthday of these educational institutions with delicious cakes that culminated the anniversary week.

Thanking God for all the blessings received and moments of joy, and wishing that this month that has just begun will be of profit, joy and achievements for all of us, until a new opportunity.

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Xiaomi Redmi 7ACanvaDeepL

All rights reserved to me @luzscarllet18 / Todos los Derechos de esta publicación son exclusivos del Autor

I Don't authorize anyone to use my Photos / No Autorizo a nadie a usar mis fotos.

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