The only true follower is your dinghy


Sometimes when looking at my blog and the amount of followers and how many react to anything, it seems like the balance is a little bit off. Now to start the first, I am the same kind of person before you find me accusing anyone of anything. But a bit more than 1800 followers (and yeah this took a lot of years) and I am wondering how many of these are still active or were not bot accounts alter egos of anyone.

There used to be this page to see who your 'dead' followers were and how many had interacted with the blockchain over the last couple of years. I'm not even sure if this was on Hive or on the previous blockchain. Regardless, more life would be nice. But again as I mention myself, I am also part of the problem. Because I blog, but I don't always interact back. I don't always go curating posts and I am certainly not involved in the politics around the blochain. Let's call me a lazy citizen. In real life as well, but also here on chain.I do try my best though, but very often life just gets in the way a lot, you know how it goes.

But regarding boats and everything...Ahhhhh there is my true follower. The dinghy!. The one friend that will always follow you around regardless of agreeing or disagreeing with whatever situation. You turn left, your dinghy also goes left. Is you ride bumpy, the the dinghys ride is also bumpy. And when you are resting in the nights, the dinghy also stays put. He is like your loyal dog who walks next to you, and never seems to judge your sailing skills. Because lack of skills, yeah it is still there.

The dinghy doesn't care though. The dinghy is just with you as your white night to save you when the days are the darkest. When the storm comes and the bpoat is having a rough time, the true dinghy is there as your backup.

...Or when you are on anchor and you want a beer ashore...That is also an option ;)

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