A new story on this day...


A beautiful sunset this afternoon, truly seeing the colors of the sky is something majestic; I will never get tired of enjoying this free natural spectacle. After leaving my first class of the year, well, I already started studying again, it seems like it was yesterday that it was new year. In addition to the fact that the teaching of the class was very nutritious, I felt that the teacher strayed from the topic for a moment and started talking about aliens with a classmate.

After leaving, I was able to take the bus quickly and go to the pharmacy to purchase my Skyn Care, although this facial treatment does not heal me completely as it allows me to control the acne a little more and have a brighter face. At that moment I was able to see the sunset on my way home, I came walking and arrived super tired. Before going home I stopped by the store to buy a candy, and I decided on a nucita, which is a kind of chocolate.

At the end of the day, I joined a meeting of my friends from other nations and we were sharing words of gratitude as a first for God; It really was a time to show our vulnerability but at the same time to worship God. Then I was viewing some news about an alarming situation that is happening in Ecuador and that is why we must pray for the violence to stop in this country.

A new story on this day...

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