Index 4 Index Challenge 02


You Do You

There has been a challenge going that many people are taking part in and to be honest over the last week has been helping me out.

It has not been from me taking part but just consuming what others wrote and shared.

Sometimes things can happen in life that just takes the wind from your sails.
This can slow you down in your goals and even stop you in your tracks.

Reading quotes and applying them to your own life can be a good way to get through these times.

If you find yourself in negative situations that are beyond your control finding inspiration in what helps others may help you.

You don't have to share details about yourself, but by searching out others that do and are going through similar situations can help.

It is such a strange world we live in that a complete strangers can talk volumes into your life when those around you do not.

The weight on your shoulders.

Sometimes we can feel like we are being weighed down by the negativity of situations and even people around us.

This can sometimes bring up things that we was not expecting but it is important to keep things in perspective.

We are here one moment than gone the next make the most of the time you have.

Thanks to all those taking part in the Index 4 Index challenge it helps more than you realise.

All images are taken from using my Samsung Galaxy Plus or created and edited in Canva

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