resumen de mi domingo šŸ¤ - summary of my sunday šŸ¤ (ESP-INGL)


ayer me levante estaba como observan en la foto, luego me baƱe y me arregle por supuesto siempre agradecida con dios y la vida por un nuevo dia mas de vida, luego de ello fui a hacer unas compras pues al mudarme pocas cosas tengo y necesitaba una plancha, luego de ello volvi a la casa y adivinen me aventure por primera vez a hacer caraotas, a recordar mi hogar y mi pais mediante este plato tan unico, cautivador y diferente, no les miento tenia miedo pues era la primera vez que usaba la olla de presion pero sin embargo lo hice y salio mejor de lo que esperaba estaban divinasšŸ¤

Yesterday I woke up looking like you can see in the photo, then I took a bath and got ready, of course, always grateful to God and life for another day of life, after that I went to do some shopping because when I moved I had few things and I needed one iron, after that I returned to the house and guess what, I ventured for the first time to make beans, to remember my home and my country through this unique, captivating and different dish, I won't lie, I was afraid because it was the first time I used the pressure cooker but I did it anyway and it came out better than I expected, they were divinešŸ¤

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