You want to lose weight do this


How are you Hivers! hi bloggers!

Let me share my exercise today after I warmed up in the sun at 6:30.I drink apple cider. it feels good to drink it.
the first exercise I did.

Plank 36s lie on the floor with your toes and forearms on the ground, keep your body straight, and hold this position as long as you can. This exercise strengthens the abdomen, back, and shoulders.

Inchworms x 8 starts with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your body and walk your hands in front of you as far as you can, then walk your hands back.

the third I did was Flutter kick 16s this is fun guys. because you will feel the pain in your stomach lol.
Lie on your back with your arms at your sides at your sides. lift your legs and keep them as straight as you can.
then quickly raise your right leg up, and simultaneously lower your left. switch legs and repeat guys.

Skipping with rope 30s place your arms at your sides and pretend to hold a skipping rope handle in each hand.
jump and alternately land on the balls of your feet, rotating your wrist at the same time as if you were spinning a rope.

Lastly the mountain climber x 10 each side x 5 starts in the push-up position. bend your right knee towards your chest and keep your left leg straight, then quickly switch from one leg to the other.

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