Hola queridos amigos de #espavlog, estoy muy pero muy feliz de compartirles este video en respuesta a la iniciativa de la comunidad, que fue lanzada hace una semana y media creo. Quedan pocos días para participar, te dejaré el LINK Para que te unas. ¿De qué se trata? Pues, de compartir tu experiencia comiendo algo o probando alguna bebida que nunca antes hayas degustado. ¡ATRÉVETE!

Hello dear friends of #espavlog, I am very very happy to share with you this video in response to the community initiative, which was launched a week and a half ago I think. There are only a few days left to participate, I'll leave you the LINK so you can join. What is it about? Well, to share your experience eating something or tasting a drink that you have never tasted before. TAKE THE DARE!


Hablemos sobre la Anemia Falciforme (5).gif

Although the video is in Spanish, I left my appreciation of each fruit in text, in the order it appears in the video, so you can read and see the expressions as you taste them.


It was the first fruit I tasted in the video, it has the appearance of a yellow bell pepper and is eaten slado, that is to say in salads. I made one with onion, cilantro, lime and salt. You can see my faces in the video. It reminded me a bit of tomato, but the peel was sour, so I liked it but not much. I made some cocona juice with half of the leftover fruit, but I didn't have time to record it because it was so much.


It was the second fruit I tried was the sanky, a pitahaya from the Peruvian jungle, super rich but super sour too, of course I had eaten the cocona before and since it is sour it intensified everything. The sanky was delicious, and you eat half in the day and the other half at night like the pitahaya. Good for the stomach.


It was the third fruit I tried, and it was sweet, very tasty. I had always seen it but I had not tasted it, as far as I remember, I have a very bad memory.


It is the national fruit of Peru, very rich, its flavor is similar to loquat but it is super dry, it looks like a dough or flour, it is very rich, I liked to have tried it because here in Peru it is very traditional and I had tried ice cream but with milk and I did not like it. But it was delicious in its natural form.

Star Fruit

The star fruit is rich and juicy, a little sour and it is recommended to be consumed in juice. I only tasted a small piece but people who have stones should not consume it without previous cooking.

Red Banana

I had always seen this banana in Peru and had not tried it, I thought it was purple but on the internet they call it red. It tasted like a normal, ripe banana, I think the difference is the size, it is bigger than a normal one.


Kiwi is a very popular fruit but I had not tried it before because my mom always told me that it was very acidic. So in front of you I tried it and I can say that I would buy it again.


Quince is not a fruit that you eat fresh, you have to cook it, you can eat it as a jelly, in syrup or as a compote. I ate it as a syrup and it tasted good. I liked it.

Peruvian Pear

The Peruvian pear has a peculiar size, it is smaller than average but the one I was sold was green. It is super good for the stomach, I had previously tried it in juice only. I didn't like that it was green but I would definitely buy it again.


It was the best purchase I made, I loved it, it is a sweet from the Peruvian jungle made from yucca, it was delicious. I finished it all.


What a disappointment! This fruit is super popular in Peru and in natural medicine, but I didn't like its taste you can see my faces tasting it. It tasted very sour to me, its texture is like that of a grape and its seeds are big. But, I did not like it.


This is a Japanese fruit, and I was told it was super tasty. It looks like a yellow tomato, but its texture looks like mango. I didn't like it, it was the last fruit I tasted, it was sweet but it left a very strange sensation on my tongue, like toothache. Very strange to explain.

That was all folks, I hope you are encouraged to watch the video and see the faces I made. I spent a total of $5.5 budget for all the fruits and tried 10 fruits and 2 candies. The fruits I would buy again would be: sanky, kiwi, fig, lukma. Have you tried any of these fruits? Let me know in the comments if you liked the video!




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Roses are red, Violets are blue. I'm so happy (3).gif

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