Explore and patrol the tropical forests of Sumatra

Forests and all their diversity are very important parts of the earth, the existence of forests and all the types contained therein provide millions of influences for the continuity of the earth and life, especially for human life.

There are various types of trees in the forest, all of which are beneficial for life, trees emit oxygen which is very important for us as humans and other living things. I still remember learning about trees when I was in junior high school 2 decade ago, at that time I learned that, one medium-sized tree can supply oxygen for two people every day.

In addition, the existence of trees in the forest also acts as a supplier of water stock, where during the rainy season the trees will store as much water as possible, (depending on the size of the tree), and during the dry season the water is still available and flowed through the roots of the trees to various directions of large rivers or small.

Water is an inseparable part of life, imagine how much water you need every day, for drinking, bathing, washing and most of life's needs are water, all living things really depend on the availability of water.

I live in a tropical climate. To be precise we are at the tip of the Indonesian part, namely the island of Sumatra. An area known as a tropical climate, in a year, several months of rain and it could be a few months will be dry, and also sometimes the count is even uncertain.

The island of Sumatra is also known for its forest area which is quite extensive with a variety of biodiversity in it. Various types of unique plants and animals which not in all parts of the world have them. Even if there are several animals that are the same, for example, but still have their own characteristics, for example elephants. Here they are known as Sumatran elephants and of course there are slight differences from the types of elephants found in other parts of the country.

But behind the forest is so good and unique animals in it. There are many illegal actions that take place there, such as illegal tree logging, animal hunting and theft of various uniqueness found there. So that requires everyone here, even those from outside our country, to make efforts to prevent these various illegal actions.

Because of this illegal action which used to be very widespread, causing several key animals to almost become extinct, some parts of the forest have changed their function into illegal plantations, mining and including large animals (elephant) have been declared endangered here.

But the government and their various forestry and environmental agencies are doing well lately in protecting and sustaining our natural wealth.

I am lucky to be among people who will defend the forest and the environment here. Lucky because I can learn a lot about the importance of forests and the environment and can act in this good work.

We have the task of supervising and monitoring the forest area every month, sometimes my friends and I will be in the forest for one week every month.

As I show here. This is a forest patrol activity that we did last week this month.

Tracing the forest area day by day, passing through various road terrain, rivers, mountains and swamps. This time we are focusing on monitoring animals that are declared to be almost extinct, namely the Sumatran elephant and tiger, as well as patrols against illegal logging.

One full week in the woods was normal for us, and e would say it was great fun. Look, this is a week full of rain, the atmosphere is quite cool even though again we have to make tents and take shelter, when the rain subsides, the journey will continue.

At night, just sleeping in the tent and looking at the direction of the trip for tomorrow on the map, packing up in the morning and continuing the journey again. Look, we found tiger tracks on day three.

It seems that this tiger is not that big, its footprints are no bigger than the GPS device we use.

Its feet were only the size of a regular matchstick, I'd say they were just a cub but there were a few of them and seemed to have just passed through this place before we were here and found the tracks.

We continued again and entered a denser forest, up a hill full of trees and there were large boulders there, only at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level.

And look, at an altitude of 650 meters above sea level, we find elephant dung, they really climb that height with their big bodies.

And these are elephant footprints, we found them at the foot of the hill and where there is also a river. after the elephants went up the hill and down they probably drank in this river.

Now this is a picture on the sixth day we patrolled the forest, we headed home, this time the police couldn't find the tigers and elephants, we only found traces of them, it looks like the big animals left this area last month. and will probably come back in this direction three months from now.

Taking some photos of ourselves is important for documentation, even though their faces already look funny because they've been in the forest for a week :).

This was different when we came here, and on our way home we found piles of wood and also a car transporting large logs, because this was still in a protected forest area, we had to interrogate several people who were carrying out illegal logging here. We will process.

Nothing is eternal except the creator, everything will become extinct when the time comes, but life will still continue, so what is provided by nature must be maintained and used properly.

The forest is an inseparable part of life, all the creatures and animals that are in it will depend on each other, all have a purpose why they were created.

Thank you and see you later :).

Greetings Nature Lovers

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