Lake Birds, including Kingfisher and evening Swans 😃😃


To make a change from the mammals of the area I live close by to. Here are some Birds from the lakes that I have visited over the years.
There are four photos taken in the evening across three locations including a Swan, Great Crested Grebe and a row of Cormorants.



The swan worked its way from the bold blacked out water into the reflection of the Autumnal leaves of the canopy of trees above leaving a copper finish to the lake surface and two lovely reflections.

The following four shots of two Kingfishers were taken both on a local canal and a small fishing lake in the town close by.

These two photos were taken on a fishing lake in Abington Park, Northampton.

Taken in the mid afternoon at 539mm Optical (not digital) zoom.
Caught a lovely resolution in the sunlight.



The next two photos were take within minutes of each other as I watched a Kingfisher dart along the Grand Union Canal at midday.

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Above photo.

Nikon P900, 714mm focal length. Digital Zoom.

Photo below.

Nikon P900, 714mm focal length. Digital zoom also as above except further down the canal.

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Below I have included two more photos taken in the evening at two locations, both on lakes.

Great Crested Grebe catching a fish in the evening.

Nikon P900, 357mm optical zoom.


Row of Cormorants below.

Nikon P1000, 167mm optical zoom.


Thank you.

I hope you enjoyed sharing in some more of Northamptonshire's wildlife.


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