Magical sunset

Yesterday's sunset was magical, it looked like something out of a special effects movie with yellow and red tones that projected fabulous images.

I went out to the patio of the house and with my old Samsung J7 mobile phone I immortalized it, taking several photos of which I show you only 6.

Today, as if erasing the whole spectacle, in Florida the rain has been relentless and has left us locked in our homes, paradoxes of nature that one day gives us the splendour of its beauty and another its fury.

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In this photo, the sky is reddish in colour with a hint of clarity that seeps through the clouds.

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In this other one taken half an hour later, the red has turned orange and the brightness has gained space.

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In these two, yellow mixed with orange has already taken possession of the sunset.

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Some time later, as a prelude to the night, purple has appeared.

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And finally the orange has become duller giving way some time later to the darkness of the night.

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