"3 post about project"

Helping a school in Venezuela Week 3 Updates

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Stronger Together

Hello everyone 🙂 We are very excited to announce all udates of week 3. Those who have supported us so far we want to thank you. Without your support it would be really difficult to acheve what we have acheaved so far. You inspire us every single day and make us realize that we are not alone and that there are still people out there who believe in the possitive impact we can create. We are stronger together!

If you are reading this for the first time, then you ale more then welcome to also read all of our previous articles to understand what we stand for, understand the purpous of this project, what we want to achieve and all the support we already got from different communities.

What we thought would take about 3 months took us just 3 weeks. Together with #Monero and #Hive we managed to get a total of $1000 in funding. That's already 2/3 of the total amount needed.

As always we want to be as transparent as possible and show exactly what is happening with the funds, at the school and what out team are planning.


Monero Updates

In our week 2 updates we announced reaching $700 in funding. In week 3 our biggest supporter in funds was yet again the beautiful Monero community with a wapping 336 HIVE.

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Like we said, we want to be as transparent as possible and there for show our updates to the Monero community and supporters. When we registered our Fundraiser on Kuno we asked for a full amount of 12 XMR. Back then the prize was different and so 12 XMR was almost $1500. Since we not only get funding through Monero, but also from Hive, we changed the needed amount to 9 XMR and as we can see, we will have to probobly change it to 8 very soon.

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The reason we keep on lowering it down is because we want to show Monero supporters how far we are with the funding all together combined.

Teaching Monero

Yes! You are reading it right. We managed to contact an amazing Spanish speaking teacher from Uruguay and his name is Ernesto (Thank you Douglas Tuman for tagging him on Twitter, I hope you are reading this update). He knows everything there is to know about Bitcoin and Monero. He is the perfect person to teach the fundamentals and what Monero stands for. He has been teaching kids for some time now so he understands how to approach kids with this information. Thank you Ernesto!

You can find his projects on Twitter:


Hive Updates

Ok, time for some #Hive updates. The second week update has reached loads of new Hivians and we got to introduce our project to new communities as well. Let's get down to some funding and Donations on Hive.

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Since our articles get 50% HBD/50% HP in rewards we ofcourse also calculated all the HP we gathered and started powering down. It's not a lot, but every little bit get's us closer to our goal.

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We also got a generous donation of 25 HIVE from the amazing @thekittygirl who also promoted our project on The Terminal and Ladies of Hive

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Again a big Thank You to @OCD for curating our articles and also for supporting us with not only votes but also pushing our posts so that more people could see it.

We had to update the post cause we were forgot to mention the support we keep on getting from @ecency. Huge help from @melinda010100 by donatink a waping 50.000 Ecency Points. These points shall be distributed to all the new onboarded students on Hive. We also got another 10.000 Ecency Points for our Poster Art Contest. Really amazing!! We love you guys❤️

School Updates

So to start off @nahupuku went to the school and finally got the chance to take a video and some pictures of the classroom that we will be renovating into a #Web3 Hub. The plan is to paint all the walls white and add some amazing #Monero and #Hive related art on two walls without the windows.

Let's dive in to the Art for a bit. So our idea is to have one side of the wall dedicated to Monero and the other side to Hive. We already have an amazing artist who will paint the walls. Too bad he is not yet on Hive, but we will get there soon enough.

Please checkout his Instagram:

First he is going to create #MoneroChan as a Digital Art and then we are going to sell it on the Monero Market. The reason for selling this peace of art is because we have to pay the artist $180 for creatin 4 peaces or art 150cm by 120 cm on the walls plus one Digital Art of MoneroChan. These extra costs were not calculated in the total needed fund of $1500. Hope the Monero Community won't be angry at us for selling their Mascot to them.

We are still brainstorming on the 2nd art for Monero and the other 2 art peaces for Hive. If you have any ideas, please leave a comment.

Ok, let us show you the Classroom 🤩

The Poster Contest

As some of you already know we started a Hive Poster Contest 5 days ago and so far we only have two entries. We were really hoping that more artists would support us with their art, but we still have time left so fingers crossed.

Here are the two very beautiful Art peaces that entered the contest.

Art by @eve66Art by @smile27

If you just found out about this contest then you can take a look at our Contect announcement for more information:

Once this contest has ended we are going to continue to our main one in the school. The winners poster will be printed out in A3 format and @nahupuku will hang it in the school lobby. If kids want to participate, they can ask the teachers for the contest details. We are still bussy writing down the information.

Then, we have even more great news! Once the kids deliver their paintings to @nahupuku, he will make good quality pictures and we will then mint them as NFTs on @NFTShowroom and open a Gallery where you can view them and if you want to support the project, you will be able to buy any of these beautiful art peaces. The good news do not stop there! Once we have all the images @nahupuku will then give these paintings to the Museum of Fine Arts not too far away from the school where they will be hanging in a showroom for everyone to see.

Next Steps

We know, it all moving slowly, but that is the paste in #Venezuela. Everything there slows down and since our team is small we can't rush things. We are all doing this in our free time or even when we have to work.

In the upcoming days we will hoophuly have a list of things the repairguy needs to buy so we can finally start. @Nahupuku and @Orimusic will be visiting the school to document the process by making pictures and videos.

Once the Classroom is painted white the artist can finally start painting his first MoneroChan masterpeace on one of the walls. We should have more art peaces chosen for him to paint by then.

Once the Classroom is finnished we will start looking for used Laptops and computers. We would like to have at least 2 laptops before the school orders internet for the upcoming 6 months.

This structure is not yet set to stone so still a lot can change, but we will be there updating each and everyone of you ❤️

Thank you everyone for all your support. We believe in this project and we hope that you believe as well. Let's start making some changes together no matter how small they are. ❤️

Helping a school in Venezuela Week 3 Updates

This is a cross post of @cbrsphilanthropy/helping-a-school-in-venezuela by @nahupuku.

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