The Divine Beauty Of His Presence

Hello Everyone, and Happy Sunday,
Welcome to my blog

Life is a journey that we embark on daily without knowing what will happen the next second, minute or hour. Life is more of the spiritual than the physical, we strive each day to satisfy ourselves, forgetting to understand that whatever we desire is given to us free of charge, when christ paid the greatest price on the cross, we only need to walk in the consciousness of his presence to access it.

The Presence of God should be the daily yearning of every believer as far as life is concerned, having the presence of God in us and having him direct our affairs helps us to avoid mistakes and regrets, and it's only the presence of God in our life that makes the difference, The presence of God distinguishes us from the crowd.

Exodus 33:14
And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.

God promised that his presence will go with us, only when we inquired of him, only then can he go with us, and that is having the right relationship with him.

Moses had an understanding of the importance of God's Presence, that was why he made this statement:
Exodus 33:15
And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence.

Being a carrier of God's presence is so powerful, it comes with many benefits; it levels up mountains, and straightens every crooked path for his children to walk in plain ground, having the presence of God breaks protocol for our sake, also there are certain things that we don't need to fight for, they just take their rightful positions because of the presence of God that we carry.

I now understood why David cried to God bitterly after he had sin, because he tasted those benefits of having the presence of God.

Psalms 51:11
Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

So whatever would seem like a hindrance from enjoying these benefits should be dealt with. And that is applicable in our daily walk with God, there are certain things that hinder us from accessing the presence of God, which are sin, faithlessness, doubt, fear etc. these are some of the limitations of having the accessibility of God's presence.

Exodus 33:16
For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth.

Accessing or being a carrier of God's presence is done through faith. "For without faith, it is impossible to see God............." Hebrews 11:6
The same thing is applicable in being the carrier of his presence, knowing that he assured us not to leave us as orphans, but to send a unique personality to us which is the Holy Spirit, who will guard us into all truth. So that implies having the Holy Spirit is having the presence of God.

Having the presence of God comes with so many benefits that we cannot jeopardize it for anything.

  1. His presence brings Directions, Joy and Pleasures: There is more to life than food, shelter and clothing, having the presence of God brings directions and brings about inner Joy, leading to having a pleasurable life, and this joy is an unwavering joy that cannot be stolen.
    Psalms 16:11
    Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

  2. His presence brings boldness: "......... for the righteous is bold as a Lion...." Having the presence of God comes with unusual boldness, nothing intimate us because we know who we carry.

  3. His presence breaks protocol: Having the presence of God breaks protocols, I learn from the life of the 3 Hebrew children who refuse to worship the idol made by the king, also Esther who approached the king, when a law has been kept, and Jesus.

  4. His presence makes a difference: Life is all about making impact, having the presence of God set us out of the crowd to be favored, blessed etc. I learned from Daniel and his friends, which were ten times better than others, also Joseph from a prisoner to a prime minister.

So having the presence of God is paramount as far as we are in the world and we want to make impact and living according to God's standard and principles.

Thank you for reading through ♥️
I still remain @pricelessudy

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