What about addictions?


Good my dear friends, here is the second part of the report that I made, entitled What about addictions? I hope you like it and enjoy this report as much as I enjoyed writing it. This part will talk about eating disorders, since it is considered that these eating disorders are also generated by addictions to diets, food, etc.

What about addictions?


The obsession for a slim figure is part of today's culture. Most people want to look like the current beauty patterns in magazines, TV shows and movies. These thinner and thinner patterns of beauty have forced many young people to put their physical and mental health at risk. Bulimia and anorexia are the two main serious disorders of eating behavior.

When does hunger become a dependency?

We must not lose sight of the fact that eating disorders occur when food becomes a compulsive mechanism to endure problems. Those who experience this problem think that by controlling or using food, they can avoid negative feelings, relieve negative moods and comfort feelings. The vast majority of people suffering from this type of disorder suffer from severe depression.



It is an illness of diverse causes, both psychological and somatic, that produces disorders in the ingestion of food, where for some periods one eats in a compulsive way and in others really abusive diets are made. This is usually accompanied by vomiting and taking laxatives and diuretics.info

Recommended treatment: first of all go to the doctor urgently. Individual, group and/or family psychotherapy, accompanied by a good nutritional orientation.



It consists of a serious alteration of eating behavior that is generally characterized by a refusal to maintain body weight on the normal scale. The main characteristics of anorexia nervosa are an intense fear of gaining weight and maintaining an appropriate body weight. Their body perception is greatly altered, they are invariably perceived as overweight even though they are in the bones. Women suffer from amenorrhea (lack of menstruation). The way they manage to lose weight is to stop eating, although they always start by excluding all high calorie foods from their diet, they end up having a very restricted diet, with very few foods allowed. They change by purging, vomiting or excessive physical exercise. We find two subtypes within anorexia nervosa: the restrictive type, which achieves weight loss based on excessive exercise or dieting. And the compulsive purging type, which first eats a lot and then purges. info

I should clarify that even though eating disorders are found in more women than men, it does not mean that boys are exempt from these problems, you also start living the story of excessive vanity, and of wanting to have a lamina abdomen and be the thinnest and most muscular. Because of this, now there are also more boys with these problems. If you notice that you suffer from constipation, you worry about food calories, you suffer from abdominal pain, you get colder than the rest of us, you make yourself vomit, you no longer want to eat almost anything, you live on the scale, your concern about image goes beyond the normal, everyone tells you that you are hyper slim (o) and you look the fattest (o), you are overactive (o) and worried (o) obsessively CAREFUL! You may be falling into an eating disorder that if not treated and overcome in time, can lead to death.

Recommended treatment: first of all go to the doctor urgently, psychotherapy, group therapy, medications sent by the specialist, hyperalimentation, family therapy, among others.

Thanks for reading me and wait for the 3rd part, of this report.

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