Short Street - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

I am having an absolute ball exploring my old stomping grounds during the 'Bring the Paint Festival' that's currently happening here in Leicester. As well as being able to document the progress on many of the new art being created I am finding all sorts of great street art in some of the back streets. This is also something else I love about the #Hive as it has switched me on to looking for and creating content almost every day.


Some of the street art i am finding is from the previous Bring the Paint Festivals 2 years ago and some is from other initiatives involving local artists to sometimes just brighten up areas that have temporary boarding up due to construction. This seems to be the case down here on Short Street near the bus station but it has spilled over onto both sides.


Always up for a bit of experimentation I did these in Black and White. Some of this street I saved for the #streetart community competition for next week. With the ominous skies and narrow street full of graffiti I thought it was another that would work in #monochrome


It evokes, at least for me, that feeling of reading comics and graphic novels back in the day that were sometimes illustrated in Black and White and gave them that indy, darl , alternative vibe. I've always been drawn to that kind of thing. It works well in both photography and comic books.


I have to say I really am enjoying my extended visit to my hometown and of course...

I do Love a bit of #monomad 😜



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