Colourless festival

I don't know if this year, because of the pandemic, this festival happened. But life will go one, and if you haven´t been to Las Fallas, be sure to place it on your list. Since it's a participation in the monomad challenge, I've stripped it from its colours; but in reality, it is as colourful as it gets.


In this festival, artworks are built (they're called fallas), normally portraying events, satire, personalities, and displayed on the streets of Valencia, Spain.


Some are tiny, some are huge!


The amount of detail in some of them are just incredible, and the different fallas, belonging to different streets and neighbourhoods of the city, compete to be chosen as the winners in several categories.


They're built during the whole year, as artworks like this will probably take months to complete!


And despite all the work, at the end of the festivities...


They are burned on the streets. A festival of beauty, fireworks, and only fire in the end! If I recall, only a few selected winners escape this fate.


And the cycle goes on, with more fallas being created for the next year. Definitely one of the festivities I enjoyed attending the most! And since we never know when life gets turned upside down, try to enjoy Las Fallas at least once in you lifetime!


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