Scenes from a Bike - Edition 9 - #Monomad in the City

And his name was venus (1 of 1).jpg

Welcome to The Ninth Edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

Location: Just a short ride today a couple of kms to the otherside of what Melbourians call the CBD, I guess other people might call downtown. The CBD is a grid formation which is 1.0 mile (East to west) by 0.5 mile (south to north) we are in the Eastern third today

Date & Weather: Sunday the 14th of August, It should be getting warmer as spring is only a couple of weeks away it isn't though it's windy, cold and the light is as flat as a tack

Equipment: I've gone simple today - My Fujifilm X-T3, and a fixed lens - 18mm (27mm in full frame) nice a wide, which is what you need in the little laneways of Melbourne. I've set the film simulation to Astia - which is black and white straight out of camera. This is how I approach life when the light is this grey and flat.

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $61.29 from the previous 8 posts (with one payout pending) meaning I've paid for 5.6% of the bike and I have $1,039 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: I struggled a lot today, This is the quieter end of town and I've found since COVID everyone is very aware of where other people are so it's difficult to do true street photography, everyone tries to get out of your shot - but I want them in it.

The people walking their dog was the first shot all day I liked - that then made me think about using a slowish shutter setting to great a bit of blue happening to give the feeling of the city rather than pin sharp figures.

Let's see what else I found.

Cycle to the sky (1 of 1).jpg

f5, 500ISO, 1/125, 27mm
Cycling to the sky

Didn't see you there (1 of 1).jpg

f4, 500ISO, 1/60, 27mm
Sorry didn't see you there

Disused Doorway (1 of 1).jpg

f4, 400ISO, 1/60, 27mm
And as we duck into a disused doorway I wonder what she meant when we spoke of seeking shelter.

Nothing but a facade (1 of 1).jpg

f11, 400ISO, 1/60, 27mm
I've been accused by more than one woman of being little more than a fancy façade

South of the Line (1 of 1).jpg

f3.6, 400ISO, 1/60, 27mm
I try never to go south side

The Cross of Salvation (1 of 1).jpg

13f, 400ISO, 1/60, 27mm
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation

The Shapes and the things to come (1 of 1).jpg

13f, 400ISO, 1/60, 27mm
The shape of the future to come

I've quoted two songs in this post - The first person (If any) that can name the songs and the artists I'll send you 2 HIVE

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