Scenes from a Bike - Edition 14 -Monomad Edition

Welcome to The 14th edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

So much going on this week, All Monochrome & Brand new camera and of course still on a bike. Just a quick word on the Monochrome. One of Fujifilm's things is Film Simulations, which are Jpegs straight out of camera, which means you 'see' in B&W on the viewfinder - These are all shot with the Acros BW Film simulation.

Location: Melbourne, Australia, what we call the CBD, some might call Downtown, or the City centre. I rode the bike for a bit, parked it, chained it up real tight and walked

Date & Weather: Sunday 27th of November - It should be hot, it should be sunny as Summer starts this week, but it's cold (about 17 degrees and grey)

Equipment: Okay here is the exciting part I've bought a Fujifilm X-T5 and this is it's first outing. By my reckoning I've owned 11 different Fujifilm X series camera since I bought my first Fujifilm X10 back in 2012, and this is my third XT (my partner inherited by X-T1 and I've still got my X-T3) so this is all very familiar, but there a a few little changes, all for the better. I've paired it with the Fujifilm 16-80mm Zoom.

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $77.89 from the previous 13 posts meaning I've paid for 7% of the bike and I have $1,022 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: This is going to be real moody, because that's what Acros and flat light does.

Let's see what I found

Acros Scene (1 of 1).jpg

f4, 320ISO, 1/125, 37mm
I like the detail in the bricks here, I'm deliberately shooting slow (for me, I could have gone even slower, and a lower ISO and higher aperture) to see if the in body stabilization does anything, reality is I can't tell.

Acros Pipes (1 of 1).jpg

f20, 320ISO, 1/250, 37mm
Diagonals are fun

Okay the next three shots are me testing something which I find interesting - a digital Tele-converter, As this has a 40 Megapixel sensor it allows for a digital tele-converter at 1.4X and 2.0X (which are the magnifications you can get in hardware. The reality is this is just cropping in, but I think this could be interesting, at the very least to see if a physical tele-converter would be useful.

For those playing a home these are shot with the 80mm end of the zoom so here's some maths.
Standard conversion for X series 1.5X so we are at 120mm (full frame) this X1.4(168mm) and X2.0 (240mm) Given I have a 300mm lens in my collection this means I effectively have a 900mm Full frame lens now (by just 'low' res)

The Original
Acros Build 1 (1 of 1).jpg

1.4 X

Acros Build 2 (1 of 1).jpg

2.0 X

Acros Build 3 (1 of 1).jpg

And finally using the flip out screen - which is back to the X-T3 design (I'm told people hated the X-T4 screen, I skipped that edition as I didn't think it a big enough jump from my 3) which of course allows you to get low to the ground

Acros tiny window (1 of 1).jpg

f5.6, 320ISO, 1/125, 39mm
Again I'm loving that texture in the window.

All is all I love this new X-T5. I have never regretted buying any of my Fujifilm cameras. They also hold their value like no other Electronic product I know. Of the 11 I've owned I've resold 7 of them (I still have three, and I dropped a poor X-T10 and killed it) and total difference in purchase price to resell price is $286 or about $40 of depreciation per camera - most of which I owned for about 18 months.

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