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My streets, my people, my photos. | Monomad Contest.

This is my entry to the #monomad contest by @monochromes. 📸.

Hello guys !!!

I continue to show you images of the place where I live, I already have more photos than stories to tell because I keep walking and collecting experiences of the places where I pass, in the next post I bring you another variety of photos of the different places where I have passed, I like to bring random images more than images of the same place.

When I took this photo I was sitting at a bus stop and suddenly I see this guy running in front of where I was I just had time to pick up my camera and press the shutter I barely got a good frame, but I liked the image, I love the 50 mm lens makes a beautiful background blur.

The images of the city park should always or almost always be present in my posts, I have already explained before that this is one of my favorite places to take photographs, of these two photos what I liked the most were the reflections you see on the lake.

This photo was taken in front of an ice cream shop called El Harlequin, believe me the prices of ice cream are not cheap at all, not everyone can enjoy them.

This other image was not accidental, I was standing for a while waiting for someone to pass by to frame it between the two columns and thus compose my photograph.

Finally, I will comment on this image, the architecture of the colonial era in the province is of admiration, I can't explain how such old buildings have lasted over time.

I also like this last image, but I will not make a comment value it you and if you get drunk make me a comment, that's how I finish my post and soon I will bring you another one from the same places, but with different people, my greatest wishes is that you like my work, I also wish you a lot of health, peace and blessings.

My current gear


Camera: Nikon D 7000
Nikkor 50 mm

English is not my first language, I use Google Translation.

Copyrigth © by @daryh All rigths reserved, 2024

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