Parking On A Saturday

May you live in interesting times. Got us a proper plot twist this evening, but before that it was just a nice, normal, hot Saturday. Had to go parking, or at least mosey down to Iroquois Park.

The South Points 'Buy Local Fair' was soaking up the sun down by the amphitheater in the park, so we had to check it out. Don't know where they got South Points from, everybody in this neck of the woods just calls it the South End. Or Lively Shively if you get a little further west.

The South End is an interesting place, a proper mishmash of people and cultures. Housing here costs half as much as a place just a couple miles further east, so it's a nice mix of those that can't afford to move out and those that can't afford to buy a place anywhere else in the city.

They'll get around to gentrifying it eventually but for now it's still a pretty fun place. Especially for street photography. It's weird, for how many neighbors you have in the city, you sure don't see much of them. Aside from your runners and dog walkers you mostly just catch glimpses of your neighbors as they move between being sealed up in their car and being sealed up in their house.

Made it nice to see folks coming out and enjoying themselves and getting to know their neighbors. We discovered two new places to get plants and may or may not have come home with a couple.

Don't think Louisville needs any help in being weird but if those t-shirts actually help I'm going to start printing some that say 'Keep Louisville Sane' and see if it does anything for the generalized road rage.

You can't park there, sir. Kind of surprised nobody showed up on a dirt bike. Seen people riding them on the paths and trails in the park on multiple occasions, which is a bit of a no-no but this is the #SouthEnd.

Think that analog meme sums the day up nicely. Remember kids, if you hear the gunshot you ain't dead yet.

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