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Currently the local media is fixated on the upcoming Kentucky Derby, the national news is alternating between the dotard trial and university protests, and my diet of foreign media is pretty much war, war, war, Buy this!, war, or war. None of which is particularly new or surprising, but for the love of the almighty advertising dollar they can't stop talking about it.

Situation Normal, All Fucked Up. It'll all be there in the morning, so I ain't wasting no more words on it. Decided to edit some photos that didn't have anything to do with anything and somehow wound up in the capital of the chaos monkeys, Washington DC.

Lots of things have been said about this town, and some of them are even true, but don't let that fool you, it's actually a pretty interesting place. Especially for a swamp.

They drained the swamp long ago to make it safe for tour groups and parasites politicians. The locals tend to get forgot, the old 'taxation without representation' lives on here.

There's more museums than you could shake a stick at. Wouldn't go shaking a stick too much around here though. After 9/11 this place was a pocket police state, with security and surveillance nonsense to make Big Brother jealous. Doubt that's changed any but it has gotten more inobtrusive in the years since.

Would love to live here for six months or a year and explore it properly but it's expensive as hell. Dear Flying Spaghetti Monster, could you make that happen?

DC was (is?) a planned city, everything is laid out just so. Does make it easy to navigate and get some nice long street shots. This is one of the streets crossing the National Mall, they're usually lined with an array of food trucks.

It's probably the most walkable city I've been to, with the Metro (subway) you can get most places on foot without too much fuss or effort. Makes for plenty of street photography opportunities.

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