Kitty in monochrome... a dozen+1

What do you do when you have a sweet cute lil baby kitty in the house? Especially when you dabble in a lil photography and like trying out your 50mm lens?

You know how fluffy kitty fur stands blowing in the wind irresistibly, it's like a fluffball! And how lil kitty noses demand being photographed? Kittens can't help but look cute.... even skinny as heck, recovering kittens, being fattened up and brought back to healthy life!

So, if you're a cat person, or an animal fan, a black and white lover, or just a basic person who likes/can tolerate some cute kitty photos - stay a lil while, scroll down some, and I hope you'll enjoy the shots here!

You're following the progress of a rescue kitty and the story starts from Kitty's Tale, and continues with a photo story of Kitty: A progress report.

The shots below are just fun, cute shots of Kitty (as she was later named) in monochrome, a baker's dozen of them! Have fun!! 😸

🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾 🐾

So, here, Kitty is still in recovery mode, just about four days or so, after we found her... she's sleeping and resting mostly, had a little clean-up, so looks a bit decent. Ever noticed how cats curl their tails around themselves, bringing it up to their noses? My previous cat didn't, as its tail was just a short 4-5 inch pot handle tail! 😽

Remember I said earlier, how kitty fur stands irresistibly fluffily, like a fluffball... this one even provides a 'messy look'!

"Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur!
Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr!"


Btw, Kitty's purr sounds and feels like a generator running on high! Lol...


An adorable Kitty nose!

And this was a couple of days later, when she felt a little better, and was taking more interest in life around her! Moving a little wobbilily (haha, like there's such a word...) around her...

What do you do when you've had too much sleep/want more sleep/have spent the whole day asleep in bed? YAWWNNNN.... of course!


I never could understand how people described a kitten "chirping"... until I heard for myself how Kitty "chirps"! Heavens.... that came out of youuu....?? A kitten???

Kitty wobbling around...

One of the first back-leg to neck scratches she managed to complete.
One of the things which was most heart-rending for me was watching her try to do a scratch when we first found her, and she couldn't.
She would lift a leg halfway, suspended in mid-air, then let it fall down.
She didn't have enough strength to carry it through...

Her first drink of water by herself...

*"Hmmm, where else in this new place can I walk around..." end of week one*


Was going to save this for Caturday, but couldn't resist sending these out asap. Have tons more of Kitty, if anyone is interested... check back soon... 😺


Posting this for #monomad by #monochromes ~ original ideas by @brumest

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