Kitty: A progress report (photo story)

So... this is further to Kitty's Tale - a kitten we kinda rescued recently.

A fast progress report if you will, via a photo story... (aka I got carried away with getting too many shots of Kitty and need to show them off somewhere, right?!) At least I'm being honest... 😸

Cuteness Alert! Do not proceed further if you are not a kitty person or are prone to gag coming upon "awwww" stuff!

You have been forewarned! (see I even stretched the warning out to give you a chance to escape...)

🐾 🐈 🐾 🐈 🐾 🐈 🐾

Day 3: Still lots of sleeping, resting... regular syringe-fed meals of recovery food (similar to cat wet food), antibiotics and eye drops. I made a kitty nest out of a box laid down sideways, with blankies and towel. She basically lay inside like this all the time...


Day 5: I got her up to the sofa to sit with us as she started to wander out of the kitty nest. A good sign as she seemed a little stronger, and taking more interest in her surroundings... Spunky too, as she wanted up, onto a cushion!

Then promptly fell asleep!
All that effort must have tired her...

Well, she spent the day, and night, awake and asleep there, quite a lot...

Day 7: Looking more cute kitten-like.... although shoulder bones, butt bones and ribs still stuck out like crazy! 😿 Total malnutrition case, as stated by the vet!

We suspect either her mum and siblings rejected her... (there is a family of newish kittens and a mother cat living in the car park, but of different colouring, so they may or not, be her "relatives") or, someone thought she looked "...soooo cute!" and adopted her, only to find her too "troublesome", or she fell ill, then dumped her! 😠

Finally, about two weeks later, we gave her a fast bath at the sink. She needed one! She started roaming around the apartment and behind stuff, into corners, that never seen the sunshine, and managed to pick up dust bunny friends! 🙀 She shrieked! And exercised all her muscles (and claws)... on me... Yes, she got her strength back!

I must have caught more than a dozen shots and most of them blurry... she moves too fast!

Looking much better after her bath, right? Cute fluff ball! 😄

And a couple of monochrome portraits...


Sweet, innocent sleep... nite nite, Kitty!

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