The Lego Community...and my next build

When I started the Lego Community I initially thought I'd be the only one posting there and was totally content with that; It was intended as a place to drop my own Lego builds, a record of their progress that could easily be found, and if others used it then no worries at all. Some did of course, and I've supported them with some voting but lately I've sort of neglected it myself; I just haven't been building much so had nothing to post.

Lego isn't very popular on the blockchain or maybe people are too busy posting in other communities hoping with all their might to snag a whale vote or something and that's their prerogative I guess but for me, well I see value in posting to a specific community, reaching like-minded people or people seeking out particular content; And then there's that storage-dump scenario I mentioned earlier. It just makes sense.

I've not had any builds on the go lately but today, whilst at the mall to meet a friend for breakfast, Faith and I took a stroll through a department store called Myer as I wanted to check out the Lego section. What did I find there? Well, I found 20% off the price of all Lego and this big old yellow bad boy:

Volvo A60H 6x6 articulated hauler!

I've had my eyes on this for a while but didn't want to pay full price. With 20% off and a $100 Myer gift card we had from our frequent flier points it brought the set to a respectable price and, after some contemplation I decided to purchase it.

This truck is pretty cool because it uses the Lego Technic Control+ App on smartphone to operate it forwards, backwards and the tilt up and down on the load tub. Cool right? It's also pretty large being 60cm (23 inches) in length and a total of 2194 individual parts. That'll keep me busy for a while!

This set is based on the real-life version of a Volvo mining and construction heavy-capacity vehicle, the A60H articulated hauler. You can see some of the numbers below...

It uses the Volvo D16F 16L diesel engine generating 639 horsepower, weighs in at 43,750 kilograms and can carry 55,000 kilograms for a gross weight of over 98,000 kilograms; That's heavy! It's 33.6 metres long and is designed to operate in extreme off-road conditions. It's a serious bit of equipment.

These beasts are about $1.18 million (US) dollars to buy in ready-to-go trim with another $60,000 of accessories available for different conditions depending on where the unit will be operated. That's a lot of money, and shipping is extra.

The Lego version didn't cost quite that much, nor does it weigh as much. It's powered by somewhat smaller motors too, three in total, which will steer it, provide drive and work the load bucket. The Control+ app is on my phone and it connects by bluetooth allowing remote control.

Lego's most complex gearbox ever

One of the coolest features is the transmission, the first speed transition gearbox they have done. It uses a part from one of the other sets, the Bugatti Chiron, to permit ultra-smooth gear shifts, all remote controlled, which can control the speed of the vehicle.

I've heard that changing the gears puts a lot of stress on the parts, the gearbox, but I guess that's to be expected considering it's only made from plastic. I've also heard it will shift sequentially or directly from 1st to the higher gears so it seems capable of taking the strain.

I'm pretty keen to get started on this build but will take my time once I do begin. There's no point rushing it, nothing to gain and a lot to lose, because fitting pieces incorrectly at the start will mean things don't fit at the end, and then there's that gearbox...So careful construction is required. I'm expecting 20-24 hours all up to get this one completed, probably four to five building sessions, although it could be longer.

See it in action

If you'd like to see the hauler in action you can go to YouTube and search it or just click here. It's pretty cool and whilst it has limitations, for what it is and the fact it's all plastic I think it does a great job and I'm sure it will be enjoyable to build...I just have to find somewhere to put it, but that's a problem for another day.

The Lego community

I have always welcomed people to post in the Lego Community and I curate when they do. If you have an interest in Lego, build it yourself or with your kids, feel free to use the community, and if not, then think about supporting a few of those that do.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209

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