Custom Lego Bricks

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today we got to build our own custom Lego bricks!


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Custom Lego Bricks

When we were on our vacation recently, one of the things that we ended up doing was hitting up the Lego store in Florida and we were able to get a custom-made Lego brick!

The Lego store was pretty damn cool, and one of the challenging parts about it was that they had a bunch of the coolest ones in there! It was difficult not to buy a bunch of Lego when we were in there let me tell you lol. We were there though specifically because of this custom Lego brick business! Apparently they don't have this at many stores, which seems kind of crazy because it's such a good money making opportunity.


The thing is just a giant laser printer, at the end of the day. I'm surprised that this thing isn't at other locations! I don't really know, in all honesty, if they have them in more locations but we've been to a few Lego stores ourselves and we've never seen one. My wife looked the store up while we were driving and saw this, so we knew that we needed to absolutely make the stop to get down to the store before we did many of the other things. It turned out to be such a cool experience!


What you got to do was choose what your Lego head looks like, the body front and back and you get to put your name on it and then get a few accessories. What was the most disappointing for me was the accessories though lol they were kind of lame if you ask me. I was hoping for some unique and exclusive type of things but it was filled with weird things. I'm sure they had cool stuff at one point but it was a little lacking in that regard.

At any rate though it was still great to be able to put one together and customize it top to bottom! We were able to make one for each of us, thinking that we likely won't make it back there again so might as well go all out and make one for all of us.


The store, as you can imagine, was quite packed! That touchscreen booth you see the dude there is where you put your little Lego box down. It's got an RFID chip in it I think, so that they know only the ones that have the RFID in it will actually turn the thing on. You use the touch screen to then adjust your thing as you go and you finish it up and wait for it to print! I think the printing is what took the most amount of time, took about 15 minutes to get it printed. I was too busy looking for cool accessories to notice how long it took lol but the little man was antsy so my wife took him off to look for different Lego sets to buy.


The next batch of custom Lego bricks is about ready to start! They actually messed up the one for the little man somehow, so they ended up printing his twice. I kind of wish they gave us the original because they just tossed the thing, I wouldn't have wasted it lol I would've kept it and not cared that it was messed up.

They punch in a few things on their keyboard on the right side there and off to the races it goes printing the bricks!


While we are waiting, I was exploring the accessories section here. You get one piece of headgear, a set of legs and an accessory. I was honest and only took what I was allotted but they really didn't have anyone keeping an eye on the thing so you could've been a rebel and taken two accessories if you felt so inclined. I didn't, and don't really think that it would've been a good impression to leave if my son or others saw me sneaking a few extra accessories, even though they were pretty lame lol. I felt it was better to be honest and try to just take what we needed.

I was hoping for something cool to match my pirate themed mini fig but I didn't, so I settled for a few of the cooler things in the bunch which was okay. They had a hell of a lot of heads though let me tell you!


The Lego store wouldn't be complete without some cool builds outside of it. The little man was the most enthralled with baby Yoda here. I think the baby Yoda thing is a little over-played at this point but it was still a pretty damn cool build and they did a great job on making it look pretty similar to the thing in the show. There were also quite a few others around, I think on the right there was a dinosaur or something but I don't remember and didn't get a picture of it specifically I don't think.


With our actual names being on the mini-figs, I apologize that I won't be posting a picture of the actual mini fig but it was a really damn cool experience! We can safely say that we've got the most limited edition mini fig with our names on it. They are now for sale for 1,000,000 Hive each! Pay up folks! :D

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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