It was just an ordinary walk to the grocery store, one of those I rarely write a post about, but the mist created a bit of magic so I decided to take a few photographs along the way.

Quite beautiful. Isn't it?


The sun was a perfect circle.


It looked like a planet.

At some point a small garbage truck that collects cardboard and paper passed by making the misty scene more dynamic and interesting.


After buying a few groceries in my hometown, I drove to the nearest village. Here you can see some buildings still under construction along the way that leads to Liznjan, the village I mentioned in the previous sentence.


Here I zoomed in on the crane with something that looked like a claw of a dragon.


Behind the construction site, in the center of the village situated on a small hill, the church tower was visible through the mist and looked great in the photograph.


The mist somehow managed to transform even the extremely boring football & basketball court into something worth photographing.


The grass was heavily covered with dew.


It was pretty cold.


Here you can see a bit of morning sunlight on one of the unfinished houses on the outskirts of Liznjan.

And that's it. In this last photograph, you can see the black & white version of the scene shown in the opening shot. As always here on Hive, the photographs are my work.

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