Sponsorship Report: Gnars proposal December 2023 - June 2024 | Luiz Hadad (Surfer)


Feedback from Luiz Hadad's Sponsorship proposal from December 2023 until June 2024 | Investment: 7,200 USDC

Intro; Highlights; Lessons; Content Production; Community Building; Public Goods; Measurable Objectives

I've been a Gnars Shredder since September 2022, representing Gnars both in and out of the water as a surfer and community builder.


Highlights (Dec 2023 - June 2024)

  • Content Creation: Created gnarly surfing content in Espirito Santo, Saquarema, Fernando de Noronha, Itacoatiara, Indonesia, California, and Hawaii, all available for Gnars to use.

Itacoa.jpeg Surfing Itacoatiara | Photo: Criscia Cesconetto

D2.jpeg Sending it on the Slabs in front of my house | Photo: Bernardo Nassar

IMG_7974.JPG Blue barrels in Regência | Photo: Ricardo Alves

  • Media Coverage: Surfed a 4m wave in Baía de Vitória, Espírito Santo, gaining significant media coverage. The video in the NXF Slab Vlog, highlighting Gnars, received 3.2k views in 1 month.

IMG_7835.jpg 4 meter wave that I rode at the Bay of Vitória. The size was confirmed by Douglas Nemes, Oceanographer and expert in wave-measurement.


Barrel in Cacimba do Padre - Fernando de Noronha.

  • Season Highlights: Captured the essence of Fernando de Noronha, the Brazilian Hawaii. Watch the season highlights

Events, Conferences, and Media

  • Latin America Crypto Report: Mentioned Gnars in the 2024 report by Sherlock Communications, highlighting the Gnars as a strong NFT community within the Latin American Crypto Ecosystem.

  • ReFi Conference: Organized the ReFi Conference during Rio Onchain Week, invited Mari Salles to talk about Gnars and Precious Noggles.


  • Blockchain Peru Conference: Participated online, discussing the crypto ecosystem in Latin America.
  • Podcasts and Media: Mentioned Gnars in various podcasts and events over the past 18 months, always wearing Gnars gear.

brazil crypto report.png


Community and Public Goods

  • Beach Cleanups: Organized two beach cleanups in June 2024, engaging the surfing community during World Oceans Day and International Surfing Day.
  • Public Goods in Regência: One key area of learning was regarding public goods. In Brazil, they usually need permission from the government and things usually go slowly than we would like them to.


I've had meetings with the Regência Surfing Association, the Tamar representatives and we're still on the implementation process. I will keep the community updated on what are the next steps. But for now we're waiting for their approval on our project.

We will replace the beach entrance signs for new ones, with Gnars logo and environmental awareness phases.


Lessons from the Proposal

  • Adapting to Changes: The crypto context evolves rapidly; adaptability is key, especially when involves new tools (Base migration, changing from That's Gnarly to Zora).
  • Content Production: Continues to be crucial for brand awareness. On the web3 side, created posts on SurfHive and minted NFTs on Zora. On web2, delivered 40 Instagram surfing posts, 2 vlog edits, and participated in 3 podcasts and 2 conferences.
  • Onboarding: Quality onboarding is more important than quantity. Focused on supporting members that are willing to build deeper connections with our community.

Measurable Objectives:

  • Quality Onboarding: Focus on high-quality member onboarding.
  • Engagement: Use online content and conferences to spread awareness about Gnars, especially on crypto related events and media.
  • Public Goods: Experimenting the investment on physical public goods and keep organizing beach cleanups. Awaiting the permits to install beach signs in Regência. Learned that public goods proposals take more time than expected in Brazil, due to the necessity to get permits for the instalation.

Next Steps

In the next few days, I will submit a new proposal to continue this partnership with Gnars.




That's Gnarly



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