Eating at My Favorite Restaurant: Why Choose MonJoe Garden

Hola, Good evening everyone? I hope you are all doing well. Focusing on the wonderful things we have rather than what we don't have is a simple step toward positivity. That's why today i'm going to share one of my stress relievers: eating delicious foods at my favorite restaurant.

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Lately, life has been very challenging for me. From financial problems to draining exams in law school and taxing workload to name a few. Nonetheless, this is life, this is adulting that we must embrace. As a child, the only thing that we know is positivity, fun and always having a smile on our faces. But once the real world hits us, and we become older, sometimes that positivity starts to fade just like our childhood. We need to maintain a positive outlook, we are better able to bounce back from these setbacks and challenges. This resilience can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.


That's why having a "me time" or rewarding ourselves from the different hustle in our day to day activities is important. There are days that we might feel so down and there are days to celebrate. I always told myself: i deserved this, i earned this, Self-rewards i believe play a crucial role in boosting self-confidence. When you recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small that victory, you reinforce a positive self-image.

So whenever i wanted to reward my self, I always come and eat at my favorite restaurant which is the MonJoe Garden here in Pagadian city, Philippines. There is always good upon eating your comfort food. I want to emphasize the idea of treating ourself like our best friend because it is what will bring every day a joy and sense of satisfaction. So whenever i feel like i wanted to celebrate Monjoe Garden has been a great comfort place and here's why:

Natural Aesthetic Ambiance



Wow! That's all I can say. The area in this restaurant is very huge and is naturally design with different motifs. The ambiance, atmosphere and mood of a space, which can greatly affect the dining experience of customers in this restaurant is 10/10. The right ambiance can create a welcoming and comfortable atmosphere, making customers feel relaxed and happy and encouraging them to stay longer and enjoy their meals more.


Its very spacious, there are different area and room in the restaurant that you can choose from. There is a garden area, which is very cozy and naturally design for those who loves outdoor. There is also an area in the second floor in which you can enjoy sitting from authentic rattan materials made from indigenous people.



There is also the winery area and collections in which a lot of people would take picture as it is just so pretty to look at.I believe that the right ambiance allows the customers to look forward to enjoying themselves and will most likely prompt them to stay longer than they had intended, simply because they want to soak in the feeling and the atmosphere of the place a bit longer. The right ambiance can make guests feel relaxed, refresh comfortable, and happy, leading to a more enjoyable dining experience.


Most importantly, the restaurant is very clean and organized Going to a restaurant provides us with an experience that involves all of our senses – not just the taste! That's why Monjoe Garden really stood out for me. Aside from the relaxing ambiance, the place is just so clean and cozy. A clean restaurant is really important in creating a comfortable and welcoming ambiance that attracts customers and prompts them to visit again.


I strongly believe that cleanliness should be at the top priority of every restaurant.Making sure each guest and visitors has a clean eating area is almost as important as bringing out the right food. It shows that you care and want your customers to have a good time while they are dining.I believe that Monjoe did relly check these boxes who prioritizes the important of clean establisments in making a good first impression on guests and helps to boost customer loyalty as well as it personally represents SAFETY.

Delicious Foods


There are many foods here that i keep on ordering every time i came here because its just so palatable. People will pay higher prices for a higher quality foods, right? The general consensus is that a good food quality increases the likelihood of consumers choosing a restaurant, while poor food quality significantly reduces it.A food qualities become main factor influencing on customer satisfaction and future purchase intention.



My favorite food to order here are the Whole Roasted chicken on a Rosemary sauce, the Garden salad and their pork ribs are both equally good. Their fruit shake and cakes are really appetizing as well. Upon eating we can really conclude that fresh, quality ingredients create meals with equally fresh flavors.If you want your customers to experience a delicious meal from your restaurant — one they will keep coming back for, then always choose the quality ingredients.


One thing is for sure, the quality of food is crucial for the success of a restaurant.A good restaurant needs to do both and do both really well (quality foods and good service). I am paying money to eat food that I can't prepare and cook myself and I am also there for the ambience, the service, the company and the fresh foods on my plate. Thanks Goodness, Monjoe is really doing well for me.

Quality Customer Service


A good ambiance plus good food and a good dining experience is what we all need for a perfect self-reward. The crew here were just to professional and trained well. The hospitality and smile at its core is about the generosity of giving a warm, welcoming experience to people.It begins and ends with good service: a mixture of attentiveness to details, foresight, conviviality, and professionalism. Your food may be great, but if your staff is poor at delivering it, a bad taste will be left in anyone's mouth, right?

For me a good customer service includes providing courteous and quick service to meet customers' needs during their dining experience. Poor customer service in restaurants can lead to negative reviews and a drop in customers.
Customer service is a crucial part of the restaurant industry. It can be challenging working in this industry, but also gratifying and a quality service will definitely strengthen the brand.


I have eaten more than 7 times here in Monjoe and still amazed by their customer service all over again. They really value their dinners. What i like the most about their customer service is that they are proactive in solving problems. If a customer comes to them with a problem, they do not just wait for them to tell them what they need. They try to anticipate their needs and offer solutions before they even have a chance to ask for help. This really shows that they are truly invested in providing excellent customer service.

High service quality is essential because it positively affects the impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Despite of our busy days, don't forget to spend some time with yourself and enjoy eating quality food at your comfort place.

Thank you everyone. That's all for today, How about you? Comment down your favorite restaurant and your reasons?

-Photos were taken from iPhone 15 Pro max.

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