Voluntary blood donation is a noble gesture

Hello everyone in the hive asean community. Today I will share with everyone what my journey as a volunteer at the hospital is like. Please follow me.

This is the space when entering the blood porch area of ​​the Central Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hospital
This area is only reserved for individuals who come to donate blood at the hospital.

  • There are 2 types of blood donation:
    1 Donate whole blood.
    2 Donate blood and platelets
    You can find more information here. This is the information portal of Vietnam Central Hematology and Blood Transfusion Hospital
    After entering the blood donation area, I will have to go to a desk to declare personal information because I have used the hospital's blood donation app, so I only need to declare some information about my recent fever and flu.
    After entering the blood donation area, I will have to go to a desk to declare personal information because I have used the hospital's blood donation app, so I only need to declare some information about my recent fever and flu.

This is the app that the hematology hospital has created to make it more convenient for people to donate blood. Here there will be disease status, donated blood, number of blood donations, and where the blood will go.

And this is my declaration form. After holding this paper, I will go to 2 other tables to continue doing blood tests before donating.
Here I can know if my blood is good or not. There are a few times when I cannot donate blood because of indicators such as chromosomes or thin red blood cells. From some of these quick tests, I will also know how I should balance my diet and lifestyle.

This is the area where I donate blood. There are several beds so patients can donate blood most comfortably. Before donating blood, drink a lot of ginger tea. After donating, you will receive some small gifts, but today I took a blood disease test. Don't forget you also have a snack sponsored by the hospital.

This is the sugared ginger tea you will drink before donating blood.

After donating blood at the hospital, I stopped by a fried rice restaurant on the side of the road so I could eat a super large bowl of fried rice with beef and pickles.This type of rice is quite popular in Vietnam. It is cold rice after being cooked and left to cool for about 3 to 4 hours, then they will roast it with chicken and turmeric.
Served with it will be a plate of beef pickles including pickles and stir-fried beef together.

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