Farewell party for a beloved friend

Hello everyone today is a rather sad story for me and my colleagues. Today is the day he leaves CVN to find himself a new job. He is someone who works with me and comes to work on the same day as me. but he graduated before me hehe .
These are some photos we took when saying goodbye to him. Even though we were sad to say goodbye to our close colleagues, we were also quite happy to know that everyone had a new destination and had certain achievements in their upcoming work next .
That day we held a party for him at his hometown restaurant, a restaurant we often go to hehe.

This is a photo of my dear brother, ladies and gentlemen, today, the day we broke up, hic hic, so sad, ladies and gentlemen. And then I will show you the dishes we treated those two to that day

Of course, the first thing in this party is hot pot. This hot pot is a very delicious sour and spicy hot pot dish as you can see in the hot pot with bean curd, green vegetables and many other things.

and these are the foods to dip into the hot pot including beef, chicken usually we will put everything in the hot pot and cook them hehe

Forget that this is the full view of today's banquet table with many dishes, right?

And here are today's side dishes. The first is beef shank rolled with cabbage and vegetables.
This dish is similar to a roll, but it will change the cover from pho noodles or spring rolls to vegetable leaves rolled with all the foods on the plate and dipped in the shop's special dipping sauce.

And this is that special type of dip.

Next is the gas grill. The chicken here is grilled and fragrant with crispy skin on the outside and is very succulent on the inside. It's delicious, everyone.

And this is a dish of goat meat cooked in a clay pot. This dish was served near the end so it was still very hot and we enjoyed it as soon as it was on the table.

And this is a dish of stir-fried vegetables with garlic and fresh vegetables. When stir-fried together, they are also very delicious.

The last dish is mixed salad, this dish includes a lot of vegetables then mixed with majone and spices. This dish we eat to prevent boredom when we eat too much meat.

Above are my pictures of the intimate meal that day. Please leave me your comments. How do you feel?

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