Veal Veng Pursat, Cambodia - My Unforgettable Trip

Greetings to all my beloved Friends in the Hive Community 🙏🏻!

How was your day? It’s been a week since my last post about my introducing blog. So here I’m today to share my great experience of going to Veal Vent with all Hivers here.

My Family

Last October, in Cambodia it was the Pchum Ben Festival known as a national holiday. We had three days off. So, I had the opportunity to visit Veal Veng in Pursat for a two-day, one-night as a family road trip. The place is so popular for Cambodia’s natural sites. It was an exciting adventure that left me with great memories. I caught up with the natural beauty of the place, the fun road trip, and the relaxing BBQ night. In my opinion, Veal Veng is a hidden gem in Cambodia, and I am happy to share my experiences here.

The Journey Begins

First thing, Our trip started early in the morning. I packed my bags, made sure the car was ready, and then set off for Veal Veng. My Dad was a driver. In my memory, The roads were all good, and the scenery was so beautiful. I passed green rice fields, small villages, and rolling hills. The further we drove, the more peaceful it became.

The Beautiful Road

we had so much fun

The Greenery of the place

As I entered the area of Veal Veng, I could already feel the difference. The air was fresher, and there was a quiet calmness all around. The natural beauty of the area was clear from the start. The tall trees and the greenery made me feel close to nature.

A Place with Unpopular History

The art of natural


When I came back from there. I did some research about the place too. As I said in the first part, Veal Veng is located in Pursat Province in western Cambodia. The place is known for its beautiful landscapes, including mountains, rivers, and forests. Yet Veal Veng is not just about nature, it also has an interesting history. Let’s talk back to Cambodia’s civil war period, this area was once a stronghold for the Khmer Rouge, the political movement that controlled Cambodia from 1975 to 1979.

Today, the area has moved past that difficult time and is now a peaceful and beautiful place for people to visit. Though it’s still a bit remote, that’s what makes it so unique. It’s a place where nature is still unaffected.

Enjoying the Natural Beauty

Return to our trip, After I arrived in Veal Veng, I headed to a place to stay for the night that was already booked. The accommodation is called Ptas Bong Barang. I love the view around there. I was amazed by its perfection.
Our room was simple but comfortable, and it fit perfectly with the natural surroundings. The rooms were so big that available for 6 people to sleep in. Alright, after we settled in, we decided to explore the area.



The Sunrise 🌅

While driving through the beautiful road of Veal Veng, I was knocked by how quiet and peaceful it was. The sound of birds singing and the rustling of leaves in the wind were the only things I could hear. The place was a refreshing break from the noise of the city. The spot is full of wildlife, and although we didn’t see much during our drive, I could tell that this place was a sanctuary for many animals.

The Road walk to waterfalls

One of the good parts of my nature exploration was visiting a nearby waterfall. I forget the name of the place, but I still remember the scenery of the water flowing down through the rocks into clear water was stunning. I spent some time relaxing by the water, enjoying the cool breeze, and seeing the beauty of the place. It felt like I was in a completely different world, away from all the stress and rush of everyday life.

At night time, it was time to relax and enjoy. My mum had brought everything we needed for a BBQ, and it was the ideal way to end the day. My brother and dad set up a small grill, prepared the food, and lit the fire as the sun started to set.


The foods for our BBQ 🍗

The sky turned into beautiful colors of orange and pink, and the air became cooler at night time. We were sitting around the BBQ, talking and laughing together, family time was one of my favorite parts of the trip.
The simple joy of sharing food and stories in such a peaceful place was memorable. We grilled meat, vegetables, and some fish, and the meal tasted even better because of the fresh air and the quiet atmosphere around us.

As the night went on, I could see the stars coming out. It was one of the most beautiful sights I had seen in a long time. We stayed up late, just enjoying the calmness of the night, the warmth of the BBQ fire, and the beauty of nature around us together.

Waking Up to a New Day

Morning Sky

The next morning, I woke up early at 5 am to catch the sunrise. Luckily, I was able to see the sun slowly rise over the hills and forests was another magical moment. The colors of the sky changed from soft purples and blues to bright oranges and yellows, and everything around me began to glow in the morning light. It was a peaceful and perfect start to the day. I made a cup of hot coffee and enjoyed the view.
Such a wonderful day!!

The dogs at the food shop

My Brother was sleeping

This was me with the fresh weather

Even though it was just a short trip, it felt like I had encountered so much. The magnificence of Veal Veng, combined with the simplicity of the trip, made it feel amazing.

Reflections on Veal Veng

However, when looking back on my trip to Veal Veng, I realize how important it is to take time to reconnect with nature. In my busy life, I often forget how refreshing it can be to step away from the noise and distractions and just enjoy the simple things.
Veal Veng's unaffected landscapes, peaceful atmosphere, and great history made it a flawless place to relax and reflect.

Veal Veng is a place where history and nature come together uniquely, and I’m grateful to have the chance to visit.

So, If you’re in Cambodia and seeking a peaceful escape into nature, of course, I would highly recommend visiting Veal Veng in Pursat Province. It’s a hidden treasure in Cambodia, and I can’t wait to visit there again someday.



I hope you enjoy the post of my trip.
Have a great day everyone!

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