During My Travel At Manticao Public Plaza and Market


It was a wonderful experience with me and my friends decided to go to Public Plaza. Every December, the Local Government made an activities and christmas programs. Many people are really excited to see the lights and they came from far away places just to see how beautiful the place if it will started to lights christmas trees at the Plaza.

I also love taking pictures and this is one of my hobbies in life. I already predicted, that if we are talking about Christmas lights and Christmas trees, we already expected the beautiful sceneries and good for capturing pictures.


This is our Barangay hall here in Barangay Poblacion. They all joined to lights their colorful christmas lights and bulbs. I am so very amazed of what I've seen last day, the building was glowing and it changes into different kinds of colors. This place usually make papers and documents such like Tax reciepts, Barangay Certifications, Hearings and other legal activities. This Barangay was near at the Public plaza and many came from far away places just to get their papers. Aside from colorful lights, there are also musics played in the hall and everyone was enjoyed singing and dancing.


I tried also to went to the Public Market and as I seen the place, only few people can be seen because others are already at the plaza were the programs helded. There are giants lanterns hanging on the rooftop of the Markets and it was glowing in the places. Our Local Government intend to put this here so that the shoppers, sellers and buyers were be enjoyed and amazed of watching this big lanterns. This newly opened Public Market and everyone are so very happy to have a new and comfortable places just like this one. Last day, our Municipal Mayor lead the ribbon cutting to be occupied by the vendors.


Manticao was already progressive place. I tried to visit the SB place and it was also very nice to went. The colorful lights are hanging in the branches of the big trees and it was very fascinating to see. Children are very enjoyed watching the lights blinking and taking pictures of the places. There are also few foreign people attending the programs and it seems they were very happy too.


Many people are very amazed of thia big letters formed, Manticao. They also taking pictures of it, children running around. Every night even if there is no occasions, the Municipality and LGU lights up this words to make it well known the place. This was newly built and it was really fascinating.

I have a great time taking travel and taking pictures together with my friends, soon our place will be popular and many visitors will willing to go here.
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