
Hello there, hivers. It's been a month since I updated a blog, and I apologize for that. I've been preoccupied with my studies, the holidays, and a variety of other events, plus I celebrated my birthday last October. So, to make amends and provide a brief life update, here are my recent activities.

We were swamped with school activities as the holiday approached, and because I needed to focus and study more, I was even out and inactive on all of my social media platforms. We had other school activities as well as our school intramural. This is also why we must complete all of our school activities before everyone else. I slept for fewer than 8 hours to reach the deadline and even ended up sleeping late. I was overjoyed since all those sleepless nights had paid off, and our grade proved that we had succeeded. We made an effort to enjoy ourselves as much as possible during our Intramural because we had completed all of our assignments, reports, and quizzes and it was now time for us to unwind. I was able to catch up the time where I hadn't gotten enough sleep and also find time to catch up with some of my friends.


I would have liked to enjoy it with my family, but they are too far away, and I know we would have had a great time if they were here. So, on this particular day, I was able to treat my peers to a quick snack over pizza. My parents offer me an additional allowance for my birthday because they are unable to come. I invited a few friends, and everyone had a great time. The next day, I invited Vicssie and one of our friends, as well as Viccsie's son, to dinner at Vikings. I am quite delighted since I am a foodie and know that Vikings have a lot of fantastic good cuisine to offer.


Because I am eligible for a free dinner as part of their birthday promotion, I am even more motivated to dine with them. We truly enjoy the superb meal choices on the table, which includes an appetizers, main dish, soup, and dessert. I also feel special because they offer me a plate with a birthday message on it and sing a happy birthday song to me. It was a full day of fun with many more wonderful memories to treasure. I'm looking forward to having another fantastic birthday this year.
I feel so envious when I watch my friends, relatives, and family getting excited about the holidays, which I will have to miss this year due to my responsibilities as a graduating student. I am now doing on-the-job training and working at a hospital. Even though I miss celebrating two significant milestones without my family, I know that this is simply the beginning of my ability to reach and achieve my goal. My family has been very understanding, and even though I celebrate it away from them, hearing and seeing their voices on a video chat makes me feel loved and joyful.




As I look forward to 2023, I want to thank everyone who has been a part of my life from the beginning and want to strengthen it with love. Thank you again, hivers, and I hope to be more proactive in the future. I regret for not posting blogs on a regular basis. Once my on-the-job training is completed, my duties will be reduced, and I will be able to be more active and engaging.

(PS; Some photos were taken by my friends phone)


Tere Jazel is charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. She is a person with extroverted, observant, feeling, and judging personality traits. She is attentive and people-focused and enjoys taking part in their social community. Her achievements are guided by decisive values, and she willingly offers guidance to others.




Keep safe Hivers!

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