Visiting the New Skatepark + Spending Papa's Birthday (^^,)/

It's Papa's birthday today and I'm happy my family and I could spend it together. Well, we did a pre-celebration last Friday because my cousin Godwyn and his parents came over. He and other representatives of his school joined a competition held in one of the schools here in my city. And since it's the last day, he asked his parents and his teacher to come to our place instead of going back with everyone to their school. Luckily, his school agreed since my aunt asked them in advance. We had a small barbecue party in the front yard that evening.


During my birthday last month, papa accompanied me to church to light some candles... so, this time, I joined his morning walk to church. The sunrise from this bridge was awesome!


Here's the celebrant!
It has been my family's tradition to light some candles and offer some prayers on our special day. Just giving thanks for the life that we're living.

It was around 6AM when we arrived at church. After lighting some candles, we decided to go to the city hall because we want to see the newly opened skatepark. It officially opened earlier this month!


There's a small farmer's market at the back of our city hall. It's our city's way of promoting local goods. It's a win-win situation for the farmers and consumers because their prices are much more reasonable than in supermarkets. We didn't buy anything though since my aunt and uncle gave us a bunch of fruits like watermelon, mango and banana last Friday. haha


For some reasons, the city hall still didn't take down the decorations they put up last Christmas holidays. haha I guess they're going to take them down in October to prepare for the city's festival..? Decorations in my city usually stays for months. lol


We decided to go one round the plaza square, but there was a group of student athletes preparing for something. For now, they'd have to use this place, but later this year or early next year, they'll have a proper oval to practice running. Our city's projects this year are awesome!! They're planning to make an oval and soccer fields for athletes to practice and play on. They're also putting a swimming pool for them as well. I guess, they're getting ready to welcome more interschool competitions here in our city.

It's really good for students... and these places are also open for the public. I'm already excited to use the oval for running someday. The place would be quite near our house, so it's an advantage... but I'd most likely go early in the morning or evening. It's too hot during the daytime!


Green spaces are truly heavenly! It's so relaxing! We're on our way to the skatepark now. It's actually just beside the plaza square, but they're not connected.


The skatepark is over there! Can you see it? One thing I'm happy about the construction of this skatepark is that they didn't cut the trees! They utilized only the open areas and left the trees as is. I love this area of the park. It used to be just trees and grass, so I used to run around and play badminton with my parents and friends here. Arashi used to run around this area, too!


Here's the entrance... it's a "rocky" parking space.


Food stalls... they'd be open from the afternoon.


Outer part of the skate park. It's also a good place to jog around when no one's skating since it's slightly elevated. haha


More food stalls and a small playground for the kids. There are some slides and swings... :)




The skate park was almost empty except for this guy and his friend. It's more crowded in the afternoon, so I'm glad we came in the morning. haha The guy in the photo fell once when he did an ollie, but succeeded afterwards. This place and these two friends remind me of an anime called Sk8 the Infinity. They're like Reki and Langa... haha (I'm still waiting for the second season.. xD)


Can you see that small green structure behind the black pole. It's a mini-zipline for kids. During the opening, our mayor did a demonstration for this zipline and he looked like a giant happy kid in the video. hahah

We decided to leave before 7AM because mama asked us to buy some sticky rice cake from the store near the church. The mass ends at 7, so it would be crowded by then. We're going to have it with the mangoes my aunt gave us last time and some hot cocoa drink. YUM!

When we arrived home, we rested for a bit before having breakfast... then, mama and I prepared some food for us to share. Well, we already prepared most of them the night before, so there wasn't really much to do than the actual cooking. Here are the foods we prepared for papa's birthday!





I made the the desserts mini cupcakes and fruit salad while mama made the spaghetti. I also helped her in preparing the chicken cordon bleu. There are still a lot of leftovers left, so we won't need to prepare our meals for tomorrow and perhaps even until the next day. haha

It was an awesome day with my family. I hope everyone would stay healthy and happy! Thanks for reading this post. See you around! (^^,)/

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