👨🏽‍🏫 The Helicopter Has Been Found, My Teacher Was Rushed To A Hospital, & More! 🚁


Today I want to update you on the helicopter incident, and they found it after 17 days of searching. They found it somewhere in Thmor Da, a mountain called Yav Yai.


So more updates for you on the helicopter incident, it has been found around 5pm on July 29th which is today. It crashed on my birthday which is July 12th, so it took them 17 days to find the helicopter. It is said that it is found in Yav Yai mountain which is probably somewhere around here. They said that they found the body of a pilot and his name is Kheng Chaiyut, they are still trying to find another guy who was in the same helicopter.


Well now my 9 days break is over, and I have to go to school like normal now. Also my old Khmer teacher is sick again and was rush to a big hospital in Phnom Penh, so it is probably really serious. I really hope that he is okay since he is one of my favorite teachers, my school is trying to raise money to help with his illness.


The weather today is kinda okay and it didn't rain or anything when I go to school. It only rain from 6 which is a relief since I don't have to get wet coming back home. Also today I lost some money around 16000 riel which is like 4 dollars, which I could use for like 2 days or maybe a day and a half.


Any I got the results for my English test and I got 50 out of 50 of course, my dad would probably kill me if I get like 49 out of 50 or something. I've always get full marks for English for the past 3 years at least, I think once I got 47 out of 50. I think it was because I uses contraction and not the full forms, it was still correct but that teacher also got a problem with his brain. I don't really know what he has but sometimes he rewrites the same letter and then erase them like 10 times. Sometimes he just sit and laugh to himself, sometimes he get in the room through a window and not the door, I don't really know how to explain that.


Well I gotta to go to Thailand so my dad can renew his Visa. Yeah it is kinda annoying since he can only get a 6 months visa, and I can't remember why he can't get a 1 year visa. Also I got like a second semester's which is kinda a big deal since I could fail this class if I fail that test. So I really hope I pass it since I do not want to repeat this class.

Monkey B
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