My Travel Escapade


I really proud I've travel from different place and this is also part of my job just like meetings and other important gatherings that involves in our company. Last day, me and my workmates decided to go to Bohol for an official meetings together with the company officials. That is my first time to went in bohol. When we heard about the place, the first thing that comes to our mind is the chocolate hills. After our meeting, we decided to go to the chocolate hills place and take some pictures their. It was a quick tour that is why this is the only picture I got during our travel in chocolate hills.

I really amazed of the place because of the hills can be seen. The shapes are perfectly coned and there is a place were we can stand and take pictures of the place. You already wonder why it calls Chocolate hills because the color of the hills will turn into brown when it summer seasons and turns to color green when it rainy seasons.


Its been a long time since I did not experience seaside camp fire. I was very happy when my Friends was doing a camp fire near at the beach. The place was very perfect for a night swimming and it addens the beauty of the place this moon that shines in the sky. The beach was consists of white sands and peebles. This beach is also located at Bohol, the owner of this place has given the authorize to all visitors who want to make camp fire. There was also inns in the place so that the visitors can also rest for a night together with their friends and or families.


First, we gathered more firewoods and we are lucky because the beach also sells more firewoods for the camping fire. The caretaker also lend us a round shape metal table where the firewoods will place and burn. This will help so that the fire cannot be spread out to the place. Before we set a camp fire, the caretaker take a short orientation regarding with the activities we would like to make. They tackled the safety precautions and the things should do if there is a minor problem.


The next day, we also visited this bay walk, the was very clean and fascinating. There are lots of concrete bench located in the place so that people can sit in their while watching the sunset. That areas was near at the port that is why many boats and ships can be seen here. Near at the bay walk is the National Highway. There is also a place called Payao. Payao is a kind of structures that builts at the middle of the sea water. Fish, crabs and shrimps will went here and the fishermen will catched it and sell to the market place.



A food trip is perfect in this kind of place were many great sceneries and clean place can be seen. The establishments behind me is one of the most popular restaurant in bohol. This is also near at the shore that is why it is perfect to eat here while watching the sunset and the calm waves.



This are some of my workmates in our company. While we are waiting to our order, we do a funny conversation and talking with each other about the place we went. This will get ourselves from being bored. Taking pictures is good so that we can have a great souvenirs of the beautiful place we went and we can always remember the best and wonderful day that happens to my Life.

At Our Company Park:



I also want to share this pictures here at our company's Nature Park. Everytime when I feel pressured, I will went in this place and feel the freshness of the air brought by the Nature. There is a pond, and we make this as a fish sanctuary. There is also lots of big trees, Wild plants and flowers in the place. It also addens the beauty of the areas in this swing were I sit. The place is just like a paradise and our visitors were really love to go here.

Traveling to a different place is very fun and enjoyable. Always take caring of our Environment well help the place clean and beautiful.
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